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Dear Santa,

The year has turned again, and it's that time: a time when everyone runs through their mental lists to see if they've been nicer than naughty and wonders what you'll bring them on the morrow. It's time for us to reflect on what we've done in the last year, what we wanted to do, and what we hope you'll bring us to help succeed next year as well.

The year has been pretty good to us, Santa, and we'd like to think that's part of you fulfilling our wish for last year--we've added over 250 Mac games to the catalog, more than 120 Indie games are now on GOG since we launched our "Bigger, Fresher, Newer" campaign last year, and we celebrated a 500 games in our catalog in January of this year. We've since gone on to a total catalog of [url=]674 games at the end of 2013--that's a long way since 2012!

We added some top games to our catalog this year, classics like Leisure Suit Larry, Neverwinter Nights 2, , [url=]System Shock 2, Wizardry 6 & 7, and Wizardry 8, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, and we even finished off the Wing Commander series. We've seen some fantastic indies showing up on as well, from Divinity: Dragon Commander and Expeditions: Conquistador to Papers, Please and , we've been adding new games to the catalog that we're sure will be looked at as future gems in the years to come. We've asked questions about what our users think should be, we've produced--and ended--a regular episodic show about what has released each week, we've fulfilled [url=]hundreds of thousands of wishlist votes, gone to tradeshows in [url=]and the US, launched a new program to help indies get on, had [url=]of [url=]all [url=]the , [url=]celebrated our fifth birthday for a whole month, and generally had a grand old time.

Recently, we've experimented with some new things for we ran a charity fundraiser which (spoiler alert!) has raised tons of money for children, the poor, and wildlife all around the world; we teamed up with PC Gamer and Larian and gave away 3d-printed statues of dragons from Dragon Commander; we ran a pixel-art competition and were blown away by the great entries we received; we ran an Insomnia promo whereby we discovered the Internet's love for Jack Keane; we launched a guarantee where we promise that any game you buy from us will work; and we gave away all three of the original Fallout games to say goodbye to one of the greatest franchises in the history of gaming as it leaves our catalog. We also discovered that apparently the entire Internet wanted free copies of Fallout, because man did our servers ever struggle for the first few hours of that giveaway! We've welcomed back old friends and made uncountable scores of new ones over the last year here, and the craziest thing is that--for the fifth year running--this is the best year yet for With 63 employees from all over the world, millions and millions of customers and visitors each month, hundreds of new games, and limitless potential for the next year, Santa, we believe that trend will continue in 2014 with your help.

Which brings us to what we'd like to see in our Yule stocking. Last year we wished for LucasArts or Take Two to join, and we really thought that we'd have enough good luck to make it happen. The business world can be slower than we'd like, but we still hope and dream of adding great games from one of those classic companies--or others!--to our classic games catalog in 2014. The rest of our wishes, we worked hard and succeeded at this year, but they're also still something that we want to continue to work on in 2014. Of course we want to release more great games--games like Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity, Carmageddon: Reincarnation--and others that we haven't even heard of yet. We want to see our indie program grow and expand well beyond its current scope because we've seen so many good games come our way through there but we know we're missing out on others that haven't found us yet. We want to launch audacious new features on that will make us bigger, better, and more fun for our gamers. We want to look beyond the obvious and grow in new and unexpected ways to bring the DRM-Free Revolution to gamers who've never heard of us or who don't know about DRM. We defined our goal as a company for 2014 year simply: to help make the world's best games available DRM-Free.

So help us with that, Santa, and we're confident that we will continue to surprise, delight, amaze, astound, and impress gamers all around the globe; we'll continue to grow; and we'll continue to do everything that makes a different (and dare we say "better"?) place for gamers. We never ask you for easy things, Santa, because we don't ask ourselves for easy things. We want to drive ourselves to make big changes, and we hope we'll be able to do so in 2014.

Happy Holidays to all of you who read this, and we hope that all of your wishes come true for 2014.
Santa's coming home GOG!!!! merry Xmas to the team...have a nice day!
I think out of many wishes, I really hope we'll see great Western and Japanese visual novels make their ways to - games like Dysfunctional Systems, Juniper's Knot, Errant Heart, Narcissu 1+2, Steins;gate, and Ever17: The out of infinity all deserve a place on the cataloged. (All of these are either available, or will soon be available in English, among other languages.)

I really believe we also need to finally see Take Two and LucasArts sign on with so that we can finally get all those great adventure games and Oni for the PC as well!

I really think that it was another stellar year for, and I hope going into the new year we'll see more people realize the value and convenience that DRM-free gaming (and all the other things about GOG) provides to gamers around the world. Let's keep on supporting the DRM-free revolution, and hopefully, just maybe, we'll teach more publishers, developers, and gamers that providing this kind of service can help get more money and gain more support from gamers around the world.

Keep on rocking - and never stop improving and looking towards the future!
Dear SantaGOG:

Please oh please start adding SSG gold box games in the new year. I want to wallow in my youth and enjoy pixellated goodness.

I'll be your best friend...
I hope to see some great surprises in 2014.
Merry Christmas everyone!
I just hope the trend continues, with 2014 being even fuller of surprises, great releases, and unbelievable coups that everyone thought was going to be impossible!

My own personal wishlist for Santa:

Metal Fatigue
Enemy Infestation
Mechwarrior 3 + Pirate's Moon
Crimson Skies
and TRON 2.0!!
Thanks for a great year GOG (^_^)

This was the year I discovered GOG, became a member a few months ago, because I helped my friend to find a working copy of Lords of Magic for his modern PC...

Now I am the proud owner of 64 great GOG games that mostly affected my childhood in some way...

Will probably be more games in the bookshelf before the sale is over though :-P

Anyway Happy Holidays to everyone at GOG and everyone in the community... You all make this a truly magical place to be.

Love from Sweden
Dear Santa, dear GoG:

I wish you a merry christmas and happy, carefree times (gaming, and not only). Please, bring prosperity to GoG, because i like what they 've done with the place and they fully deserve it, because they are doing a damn fine job. Shield them against poverty, disbanding, closing down and misfortune, the era is difficult. Eliminate their opposition, like the DRM lobbies, the legal theft of online-selling policy (countless dlcs, no refunds, no updates-having to purchase both new and old versions of same game, etc.) other companies profess, and huge companies that sank into the moneymaking loop destroying their past quality and former glory in the process, like activision/blizzard/ea. Bring down steam and let it be replaced by gog one day (but this probably won't be realized until the end of days...).

GoG, please give us Witcher 3, we cannot wait for the final, masterfull entry to the series. Let it be on preorder soon. Let others notice and try to immitate your polished, quality titles/work, your dedication and effort to please your entire playerbase and offer them digital collector editions of each and every game you own and sell, and your angry opposition to all DRM systems in existence! Let your praise and success be noticed and become a point of jealousy for your rivals. Thank you for your offers and gifts! Your patience, understanding and support. Your talented people.

I am a good boy. And i got my gifts. I preferred to get my gift games from GoG, despite the fact that steam played dirty, hit under the belt, and underpriced ridiculously their games, because steam is junk and the complete opposite of gog, which strives for making their customers entitled FULLY to their own rights as a gamer, a customer, or intellectual being. They had to resort to low tricks, in order to lure people in. But the real winner is determined not at the moment when he buys something cheaper, but after time passes, and game's contents change, like an enhanced edition or dlcs release; in steam, you have to buy dlcs separately, expensively and you get no free updates to newer editions of same game, effectively forcing you to purchace same thing twice. Here, gog gifts dlcs, wraps up expansions to main titles, offers them together, and when newer editions come out, either it updates your copy for free, or even includes both original game and updated in the same, happy package.

So, i have nothing else to ask for, but for everyone to continue their excellent job, offer more discounts (selective or not), and help everyone abandon piracy by winning them, through quality titles and solid offers! Thank you for restoring my faith in pc gaming, which everyone thought dead, and legal purchases, which everyone saw dead, but both thankfully isn't!
Post edited December 25, 2013 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Most definitely would love to see LucasFarts, Poo K Games and Butthesda games* on here but I'm afraid as those companies are run by assholes and have been assholes this whole time my hopes are slim. Not to mention they have some fine-ass back catalogs of games not even on Steam (as Steam as I understand it has no interest in the business of trying to bring back older titles from the grave at all), so if they don't care to even get them on Steam then convincing them to release them on GOG would take one hell of a convincing pitch (or if not there's also blackmail and a horse's head or two as side options). Completely lacking even on Steam from these respective companies include Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max Hit the Road, Full Throttle, the third and fourth Monkey Island games, Zak McKracken, the ever-beloved Grim Fandango (seriously if Steam with the clout they have gave any sort of a shit at any point whatsoever they could probably have convinced LA to get these games sold on their site a long time ago), and the overlooked western-themed FPS they did Outlaws, then for the next studio Hell: A Cyberpunk Adventure, Ripper, Callahan's Crosstime Saloon, Biosys, Hidden and Dangerous, and of course Civ 1 and 2, and for the final guys the DOS Terminator games (though understandably licensing issues with the Terminator franchise is probably a pretty major hurdle in selling Future Shock and SkyNet legally today) and the two currently dormant and forgotten Elder Scrolls spin-off titles Battlespire and Redguard.

So, please dear Sinterklaas maybe you could look into these (or Night Sky Studios, whoever's more available).

* Would've mentioned Microsoft but I can't think of a good scatological pun on their name. Microshart? Nah... oh hell, Microshaft (Winblows) will do just fine! Speaking of, classic games of theirs not on Steam in any form include Freelancer, Black & White, the MechWarrior titles and god knows what else they own like everything I'm not going to try to locate an entire damn catalog of just their PC titles (and no, I'm not including Halo, I do NOT care about Halo, AT ALL. Games aren't bad, I suppose, first two were fine anyway, but they're inessential as far as I'm concerned and can sit on the backburner forever for all I care).
Post edited December 25, 2013 by cannard
Also, on the second (or third?) to last video of EnigmaticT's series (you will be missed good sir, please reconsider bringing the series back in the near future! Losing that AND the Fallout games at the same time is just too much) it was blatantly hinted that FlatOut 2 was being released here, which did not show up the week it was supposed. FlatOut 2, what did you do with it, damn you! Nah, just kidding, I actually don't care about the FlatOut games whatsoever but I'm still curious what happened to that.
Post edited December 25, 2013 by cannard
skeletonbow: It's always a good idea to keep a local copy of games IMHO, but when a game is removed from the GOG catalogue it just means it is no longer available for purchase. Anyone who owns the game on GOG will still have it on their bookshelf forever, and can download it as long as GOG is in business.
No rush, then? Good, I'm not in a position to download much where I'm staying for Christmas. I thought I'd have to download them, since some games on Steam actually get removed even from your game library.
I wish the greatest happiness for all of you joining tonight.
In Japan, 25th is already close to end, but still it's X'mas!!!
Merry christmas everyone!
Happy holidays!

And 2013 was a good year, but now wishes to 2014 being even better.

Hope to finally see the SSI Gold Boxes here
gandalf.nho: Happy holidays!

And 2013 was a good year, but now wishes to 2014 being even better.

Hope to finally see the SSI Gold Boxes here
I would love some SSI classics!!