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Needs more stories :)
Thank, lugum! +1

Not in.
The Legend of the False Prophet (the GOG gifting version)

So wiki defines a false prophet as one who falsely claims the gift of divine inspiration, or who uses that gift for evil ends. Often, someone who is considered a "true prophet" by some people is simultaneously considered a "false prophet" by others, even within the same religion as the "prophet" in question.
(By the way, thanks to iphgix for the idea via his entry.)

How does this apply to gifting on GOG? Perhaps its one who falsely claims generosity thru not so honorable methods? Some people might consider this a "true gift" because all they see is a free game they can potentially get. But you peel back the layers and you see it for what it really is.

Take for example a giveaway - lets say its for a game called Gregend of Limrock. Lets say someone already has that game. Lets say GOG is running a promo where forum members have a chance to win it for free. A small chance but a chance nonetheless. Now, if one already has a game, why would they want to get it again and possibly take the chance away from people who don't have the game?
Well a couple reasons I suppose. Perhaps they know someone who wants the game but is unavailable at the moment and they'll miss the window to get the game so they kindly get it for that person. Perhaps they know that the window to get the game is so limited that a lot of people will miss out so they get the game (even if they have it) and find someone to gift it to with no ulterior motive other than pure gifting. These reasons have no sinister logic to them and are commendable.
But what about false prophecies? What if someone were to keep trying for freebies over and over again for games they already had, hoping to get lucky with one or more and for the sole purpose of being a False Prophet of Generosity to the masses?

Why would they try for this Limrock game and other games too if they already had them when all that does is take the chance away from other community members who don't have the game and may actually want it? Why would they then make a giveaway and not mention any of this for full disclosure and proper accountability? How much is one rep point worth? How much Is the value of future free games?

The business of second hand gifting on GOG has really taken off and there are more than a handful of people these days who do nothing but that. The new prophets are found out fairly easily but its these false prophets that are tricky to uncover. With their endgame being to appear generous so the real prophets who do the first hand gifting think they are just as generous and reward them with more gifts that they will either a) play very little or not at all b) regift again (or worse, trade away) to repeat the cycle.

And this concludes the Legend of the False Prophet (the GOG gifting version). Hope its good enough to win!

(All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.)
high rated
So for this contest, I decided to write my first limerick of a legend! Though it's more of an epic, a story of man's struggle against everyday life and those that oppose him. One of my favorites, though only the first part is written. Since it's my first one, be as anal as possible!

If You Can't Live Easy...

There once was a cop from a city
Who could best be described as witty
He was visiting his wife, Holly
During the time of all jollies
A far flight from his life, which is gritty

Her workplace was holding a celebration
For holding enough money to fund a corporation
But some terrorists attacked
And the personnel were all packed
But our hero was in a different location

The terrorist leader's name was Gruber
And he was quite the uber deluder
He used a fake out play
To acquire a 640mil pay
At least, until he heard an intruder

So the boss sent someone to intercept
But the cop was forced to be adept
He takes out the criminal
And his supplies proved to be minimal
But the bad guy's gun and radio, he'll accept

The cop thought he needed to show
That he was a worthy foe
He took the body with gloat
Sent him down with a note
That said, "I now have a machine gun. Ho ho ho."

The terrorists' confidence was spread wide
Calming the brother of the man who just died
But the leader had told him
Not to fall prey to his whim
So the brother must stomach his pride

The cop goes to the roof to call
And dispatch appears to appall
Then they said very boldly
They answer emergency calls only

At that time, the terrorists surprised him
He's trapped, and with his fate quite grim
But he escaped the hail of bullets
Leaving the terrorists a bit more clueless
And dispatch finally goes out on a limb

Camera in to a policeman, a Twinkie buyer
Who claims they're for his wife, the liar
Then he receives a code two
Someone bit more than he could chew
So he took off as if there was a fire

The cop narrowly escapes the brother
By hiding in the vents, where the heat smothers
The policeman arrives
And he investigates with a strive
But the cop says, "No cavalry? Oh bother."

The policeman made his contribution
But the cop felt he had a solution
So he broke an office window
Killed someone and then showed
That throwing bodies on a car provides noise pollution.

Suddenly the policeman had reason
To believe things are a little uneven
So he outran a machine gun
To call for help in the long run
This is gonna be one hell of a holiday season

"Welcome to the party, pal."
Post edited May 21, 2014 by user1point0
Hey i was expecting you. Offcourse it's purely coincidental, i lost about 200 rep and you think i would really care for 1 point to setup a giveaway? Doesn't really make much sense.
You know it's really just being sad to keep harassing me (and others) or you developed some sort of crush on me?
But i won't be though, Thespian will be the judge and if you were to win you will win. :) Good luck.
Post edited May 18, 2014 by lugum
teshra you are such a dickhead.
tinyE: teshra you are such a dickhead.
but only to lugum it seems
tinyE: teshra you are such a dickhead.
Venhiem: but only to lugum it seems
No, to everyone, myself included. If he spent a little more time worrying about himself rather that sitting in judgment of everyone else he might be a happier person. I can't even begin to imagine how long it took him to compose that post all the while the sun in shining, birds are singing, and we are all alive, but he dedicates his day to doing that.

I spent six months in a chemo ward, five days a week, surrounded by people who only had a 10% chance of still being alive in another six months, and to a man they were all more cheerier and more pleasant than him.

But enough of that. I've let that turd ruin my day enough. This giveaway deserves the attention, not that I would ever enter it; I seriously doubt I have the brains or patience for Grimrock! :D
Not in! +1! :D
It might have needed a bit more polish, but rain is coming and I have to go, anyway updated entry
Drawing tommorow.
Not in but +1 for the giveaway.

The game is really fun.
Not in, great topic, +1. ;)
user1point0: So for this contest, I decided to write my first limerick of a legend! Though it's more of an epic, a story of man's struggle against everyday life and those that oppose him. One of my favorites, though only the first part is written. Since it's my first one, be as anal as possible!

If You Can't Live Easy...

There once was a cop from a city
Who could best be described as witty
He was visiting his wife, Holly
During the time of all jollies
A far flight from his life, which is gritty

Her workplace was holding a celebration
For holding enough money to fund a corporation
But some terrorists attacked
And the personnel were all packed
But our hero was in a different location

The terrorist leader's name was Gruber
And he was quite the uber deluder
He used a fake out play
To acquire a 640mil pay
At least, until he heard an intruder

So the boss sent someone to intercept
But the cop was forced to be adept
He takes out the criminal
And his supplies proved to be minimum
But the bad guy's gun and radio, he'll accept

The cop thought he needed to show
That he was a worthy foe
He took the body with gloat
Sent him down with a note
That said, "I now have a machine gun. Ho ho ho."

The terrorists' confidence was spread wide
Calming the brother of the man who just died
But the leader had told him
Not to fall prey to his whim
So the brother must stomach his pride

The cop goes to the roof to call
And dispatch appears to appall
Then they said very boldly
That they answer emergency calls only

At that time, the terrorists surprised him
He's trapped, and with his fate quite grim
But he escaped the hail of bullets
Leaving the terrorists a little more clueless
And dispatch finally goes out on a limb

Camera fades in to a policeman, a Twinkie buyer
Who claims that they're for his wife, the liar
Then he receives a code two
Claiming someone bit more than he could chew
So he took off as if there was a fire

The cop narrowly escapes the brother
By hiding in the vents, where the heat smothers
The policeman arrives
And he investigates with a strive
But the cop says, "No cavalry?. Oh bother."

The policeman made his contribution
But the cop felt he had a solution
So he broke an office window
Killed someone and then showed
That throwing bodies on a cop car provides noise pollution.

Suddenly the policeman had reason
To believe things are a little uneven
So he outran a machine gun
To call for help in the long run
This is gonna be one hell of a holiday season

"Welcome to the party, pal."
Not in, just wanted to say I enjoyed that post, +1 :)