Zolgar: First, DRM iis Digital Rights Management.. which is odd because it should actually be Distribution Rights Management, but that's beside the point.
...even a CD key is DRM in the simplest form..
All DRM is, at all, is a means for the IP holder to attempt to prevent unauthorized redistribution of their IP. That is ALL IT IS.
Incorrect. I of course know DRM is "Digital Rights Management". But this is misleading and wrong. So we opt to call it "Digital Restrictions Management".
" All DRM is, at all, is a means for the IP holder to attempt to prevent unauthorized
redistribution of their IP. That is ALL IT IS. "
A lot people mistake CD-Key for DRM. While they are not. Cd-key is not DRM. It is just a way to understand. DRM is not an attempt to prevent unauthorized redistribution. It is out there to "RESTRICT" you. To "CONFINE" you. And it is "MALICIOUS". Not about protecting rights. But violating rights. So no CD-Key is not about DRM:
Read the link i posted:
http://www.defectivebydesign.org/what_is_drm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p9IU4zp7mU