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We'll be removing a number of games from the catalog - here's your last call to get them with a special discount!

Today, we're here to honor the promise we gave you to announce ahead of time whenever we're taking a game down from sales. We wanted to give you one last chance to get the titles we're delisting with a considerable discount, and the partners involved agreed. There are 35 games on that list and you can get them all for up to 80% off until Tuesday, September 2, at 3:59AM GMT. Any title you buy will remain in your collection even after it's removed from our catalog, so you can always download and re-download the installers and bonus content. Check out the promo page to see which games this concerns.

We're still ironing out a few details. For now, the promo pages, like the one for the Last Chance Special, list all the game prices only in US dollars. But don't freak out: if you chose to use your local currency you will see the prices in local currency in checkout, and you can still finalize the transaction in local currency. We hope to have this issue fixed within the next weeks.
Thanks for the clarification. I hope the games will be back on GOG some day. I always have been a fan of your games, especially the strategy ones. Meanwhile I'm going to benefit from the promo and buy some missing games. :)

I anyway don't understand all the efforts to bring Euros, Roubles and whatever currencies to the GOG site which only complicates things. Just drop them all and get back to one currency, simple and easy!
high rated
ThomNG: The decision to remove certain games from the platform was not an easy one. and Nordic simply were not able to reach a mutual agreement at the moment. We considered several aspects and implications thereof, while also staying true to our equal treatment principles towards all of our partners worldwide.

However, this decision does not affect our company’s viewpoint on the following subject areas:
- We like the folks and we will continue to work together with on selected games
- We unrestrictedly share’s stance on DRM-free versions and we will keep releasing DRM-free and/or widely accepted DRM versions of our games.
- Our own equal treatment principles remain coherent; we do not want to put one of our partners in a special place and cause a stir with other partners
Thanks for the statement. This was exactly what I had expected.

Given you say you are happy to work on selected games in future dies this mean Black Mirror 3 and SpellForce 3 are potentially still on the cards?

Given the reasoning provided his do you feel this reflects store specific sales and vouchers that frequently cause disparity?

With regards to online versus offline partners that has always been problematic and always will be due to specific geographical differences, store policies and so on... It's been a point of contention for every gamer in fact of how close the prices are even with the physical logistics removed from the picture... That this may factor in to this decision just goes to show how painful and ridiculous this has become.

With respect to other online partners they all have their own pros and cons to entice sales and they all equally have the ability not to assume $1=€1=£1 which also has continued to upset gamers.

The unfortunate fact you state you support this is distressing.

I hope you can resolve things with your other partners and correct this situation.

I will state for the record a distinct preference for buying here and as long as your products are not here they will not be amongst my purchasing decisions.
MarkoH01: 3) Will Black Mirror 3 still come to GOG? I already have BM1 as retail version but I was thinking to buy all 3 to have them complete in one place. No point in doing so if it never will appear here.
That is exactly what worries me the most, if none of the Nordic or Frictional recent and future tiles are coming to GOG at all, then I sugest to resort to other nt so legal means to acquire them, and only buy them in a legitimate way once they release them on GOG, It might not be their fault, but at least is a way to say we are unwilling to buy them somewhere else..
Post edited August 28, 2014 by LeonardoCornejo
ThomNG: ...
Thank you for the response. All I can say is I really hope a new deal can be made, and that Titan Quest and Supreme Commander will be added. It's a serious shame GOG lost so many classics.
I wonder who will be the next one : EA , Ubisoft , Activision , Kalypso ?
ThomNG: snip
jalister: Thanks for taking the time to respond. While I believe I understand Nordic's side of it, why is it that only two or three publishers have to pull out while so many others were able to work it out and stay?
My guess would be probably contracts that constitute the "old" pricing methodology, and you probably won't see further blowback until it comes time to renegotiate with Activision, EA, etc, etc, etc, on down the line.
ne_zavarj: I wonder who will be the next one : EA , Ubisoft , Activision , Kalypso ?
A company large enough to deal with multiple partners, but small enough that can't afford to show preferential treatment.
EA, Ubisoft and Activision can show preferential treatment, so I doubt they'll pull out. Kalypso also had preferential treatment, so that is also doubtful.
Most indie companies are not large enough to deal with multiple partners, so those should be safe as well.
bmihoric: A while ago, GoG was derailed by a bunch of whiners. Still on the wrong track, the jungle just got thicker and first serious consequences are beginning to show. The site could get stuck in a real deep mud eventually, and get pulled under.

Seeing the movies being added, it's obvious GoG is trying hard to find new content, now that those whiners practically cut GoG away from new games.

Still not too late to change. I never understood, why GoG didn't publicly ask EVERYONE here to VOTE whether we are OK with regional prices, if it brings new AAA titles here. Why just listen to the loud croud, and pretend there is no alternative? Why, GoG?
It's funny how people are targeting this whole fair pricing thing as being the thing holding gog back, when gog's biggest one is their drm free stance, but I don't see people 'whining' about people championing drm free on gog on a regular basis. (I'm all for drm free, I'm just making a point.)

If they made it very clear that games were regionally priced (big banner and a filter to get rid of them.) I'd be fine with it, I just wouldn't waste money buying them because a lot of regional prices are a joke and Publishers only charge physical retail prices on digital games because they are greedy and want more profit.

So if you must blame someone, blame the Publishers, take it out on them. Complain to them for quitting gog, don't blame people who want some moral ethics in the shark infested waters of gaming.
ThomNG: Snip
Ok home now and got more time to read this.

I can understand the business decision
What I don't quite understand though, you've been offering the games at flat dollar prices on GOG for a while, what exactly has changed now ?
I mean I suppose your other business partners had regional prices for a while now no ?

Well as long as you guys don't add DRM or go Steam only I promise I won't pirate your games :P.
It's unlikely I'll buy one outside of GoG either though.
Post edited August 28, 2014 by Reaper9988
ThomNG: Dear GOG Community,

first of all I have to say that it is so great to see that "grown-up" attitude and how objectively the whole topic was discussed. It is a pleasure being part of the community (both at a gamer and as a publisher's representative). Here is our statement on this matter:

At Nordic Games, we treasure all the strong and long-dated partnerships with our offline- and online retail partners equally. We believe and aim for an equal treatment between the digital, and the boxed versions of all our games and among said partners.

The decision to remove certain games from the platform was not an easy one. and Nordic simply were not able to reach a mutual agreement at the moment. We considered several aspects and implications thereof, while also staying true to our equal treatment principles towards all of our partners worldwide.

However, this decision does not affect our company’s viewpoint on the following subject areas:
- We like the folks and we will continue to work together with on selected games
- We unrestrictedly share’s stance on DRM-free versions and we will keep releasing DRM-free and/or widely accepted DRM versions of our games.
- Our own equal treatment principles remain coherent; we do not want to put one of our partners in a special place and cause a stir with other partners

What do we mean with the last point exactly?
Given’s decision to aim for an exchange-rate orientated pricing would leave us in the unenviable position of constantly having to adapt our pricings in all territories on- and offline to ensure an equal treatment. As exchange rates are very dynamic in nature with the potential of shifting rapidly, and given our network of more than 100 off- and online partners, this will result in a significant amount of extra time and work. For a company of our size, this can result in a non-manageable effort and will heavily impact our work hours, which we would like to dedicate to all the great games in our pipeline, rather than constantly adapting our global pricing structure.

We are aware that this decision might lead to raised eyebrows amongst certain members of the gaming community, but it had to be made and we as a company adhere to it.

With playful and gaming regards,

Nordic Games
You know what would make a big soution here? GOG should make some games with pricing issues USD locked, that means, you can only buy them with USD.
Post edited August 28, 2014 by LeonardoCornejo
serpantino: It's funny how people are targeting this whole fair pricing thing as being the thing holding gog back, when gog's biggest one is their drm free stance.
That DRM Free stance is the reason everyone is here rather than on Steam...
serpantino: It's funny how people are targeting this whole fair pricing thing as being the thing holding gog back, when gog's biggest one is their drm free stance, but I don't see people 'whining' about people championing drm free on gog on a regular basis. (I'm all for drm free, I'm just making a point.)
DRM free may be holding GOG back from getting some games, but for many of us it's what is the driving force of GOG. I buy from GOG first because all the games are DRM free. I'm even willing to pay more for a game here than buy it for less with Steam DRM or SecuROM somewhere else.
realkman666: Then it would be clear.
Well, that doesn't really answer my question.
realkman666: Then it would be clear.
Lemon_Curry: Well, that doesn't really answer my question.
Oh. :/
GOG why don't you just let the publishers decide what they want to charge and how they want to charge instead of forcing your decisions on them.
You would get tons more publishers and people would actually be able to buy games from you,as it is your losing the games you have and never getting games you could if you just let the publishers choose.

I want my games drm free,i don't care if there more expensive or not i just want GAMES DRM don't get games and you don't get my money,if i want a game and it's not available DRM free i'll get it from steam,lots of people will to.

Stop shooting yourself in the foot and actually get MORE games instead of making stupid decisions based on the vocal minority.
If you don't believe it's just the vocal minority just make a poll on the main page with options like
Would you rather have
1 Lots more games including AAA games and a bright future for GOG
2 confusing "fair" pricing that prevents us from getting many games,results in losing ones we have and will be the death of us.

you assume to much about your customer base,how many people who buys games here have actually posted anything in the forums/news posts? I imagine a lot of them never have and never will.You want to know why? Because there here for games.
You want to keep your customers AND get new ones?Get MORE GAMES and stop letting the vocal minority rule.

Ok the rants over...