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We'll be removing a number of games from the catalog - here's your last call to get them with a special discount!

Today, we're here to honor the promise we gave you to announce ahead of time whenever we're taking a game down from sales. We wanted to give you one last chance to get the titles we're delisting with a considerable discount, and the partners involved agreed. There are 35 games on that list and you can get them all for up to 80% off until Tuesday, September 2, at 3:59AM GMT. Any title you buy will remain in your collection even after it's removed from our catalog, so you can always download and re-download the installers and bonus content. Check out the promo page to see which games this concerns.

We're still ironing out a few details. For now, the promo pages, like the one for the Last Chance Special, list all the game prices only in US dollars. But don't freak out: if you chose to use your local currency you will see the prices in local currency in checkout, and you can still finalize the transaction in local currency. We hope to have this issue fixed within the next weeks.
Well guess we'll never see The Guild 2: Venice or The Black Mirror 3 now then ...

It's going to really mess up the catalogue in weird way now as well with DarkFall 3 but not 1&2 ... or Gothic 1 but not 2&3 ...

There are some titles I wanted to get hold of (eg SpellForce 2+ and The Black Mirror 1&2) but I'm not entirely sure ethically I want to 'reward' Nordic for pulling out like this ... I wonder why are they all of a sudden so upset at the pricing that has been fine for ages for many of these (the Guild was the first game I bought on GOG thanks to JudasIscariot's recommendation) and why so many games only recently added have also been pulled...
foxworks: When Bohemia pulled ArmA, the gift codes I purchased remained valid weeks after. ;-)
EDIT: And would have remained valid indefinitely
IAmSinistar: Don't be so sure. I just figured out what the dead code on my Gifts list is - it's Original War. One I paid for.
Oh suck! Guess you can't even go by the redemption page's key status.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by foxworks
ReynardFox: Instead of being able to type wildcards and get results all i can do is go to a search page?
It seems to depend on whether you're viewing a catalogue page or another part of the site.

This is bad.

What the hell is going on?
IAmSinistar: Don't be so sure. I just figured out what the dead code on my Gifts list is - it's Original War. One I paid for.
Grargar: Probably a glitch. I suggest you contact support. JMich had mentioned in the past that a user had a similar problem with the gift code of a removed game and after contacting support, the problem was fixed.
Will do, though I hate to belabour them under the current conditions.
What the hell is wrong with Nordic? Half those games they just put on here this year. The others have been here almost since the site started. I was hoping we'd see Guerilla or Armageddon at some point.
"nice" surprise :( expected to see other publishers than Nordic... e.g. EA, Microsoft... but Nordic??? Really you Nordic??? :(
TCMU2009: What the hell is wrong with Nordic? Half those games they just put on here this year. The others have been here almost since the site started. I was hoping we'd see Guerilla or Armageddon at some point.
I am gutted about the potential loss of RF: Armageddon and Darksiders 2...
Still no explanation about this heresy?

Also, buy games from Nordic now is like rewarding them for abandon GOG.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by pacciulli
Hmm this sucks, but atleast I now have Silver and Penumbra in my collection, which is nice...
That´s really stange. Has anybody already posted the link to NordicGamesForums?
Doesn´t look like this, so here it is:
What's going on? Why is GOG losing so many games? :(
high rated
Like, a lot of people are blaming Nordic, but since Nordic was perfectly willing to sell their games at a single flat, world-wide price until GOG started flailing wildly with its pricing policies ("One world-wide price! More then one world-wide price! One world-wide price except when there isn't! Multiple world-wide prices, but we'll refund the difference! Uh ... one world-wide price, sometimes, and you can pay with your local currency, at a fair exchange rate, except when we can't offer a fair exchange rate? Somebody please help us, we have no idea what we're dooooooing!"), I'm going to assume this is basically GOG's fault.
Interesting that the two "Book of Unwritten Tales" games, also published by Nordic, are not scheduled for removal. They are at a higher price point, however. The filter-games-by-company feature does not seem to be working for me. Anybody know of other Nordic games on GOG that are sticking around?
BadDecissions: Like, a lot of people are blaming Nordic, but since Nordic was perfectly willing to sell their games at a single flat, world-wide price until GOG started flailing wildly with its pricing policies ("One world-wide price! More then one world-wide price! One world-wide price except when there isn't! Multiple world-wide prices, but we'll refund the difference! Uh ... one world-wide price, sometimes, and you can pay with your local currency, at a fair exchange rate, except when we can't offer a fair exchange rate? Somebody please help us, we have no idea what we're dooooooing!"), I'm going to assume this is basically GOG's fault.
That's my take on this as well.