Posted June 27, 2014
darthspudius: But that is not the case. They don't just respawn infront of you. God knows I have had to respawn enough to know. Strange idea on paper but it is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. If you need to use the checkpoint you activate it when you don't need to back track. Problem solved.
Jennifer: Oh, okay. That sounds less bad then, but I'm still not a fan of it. LoboBlanco: Plus one time I pressed the key right next to the "quick save" (I couldn´t see the key in the dark) and I accidentally did a "quick load" in a situation that totally made me swear never ever again a "quick save" and as a matter of fact I almost never use a "normal" save. Only in RTSs when the mission gets too long for one go.
Jennifer: That happened to me once in Unreal. Since then I always make sure that the Quick Save and Quick Load are at least several buttons away from each other :P (Like F5 and F8 instead of F5 and F6)