GameRager: 1. The WAY the header pic is used is spin, plain and simple....what with how the article is written and all.(More on that below)
which is technically correct and it is just a header. it is meant to grab attention. nothing more.
2. He never said it was Kotaku's fault about RC's actions, just that Kotaku is giving them attention in such a way(as in how people feel/think after reading the article.) that it will make some or many who read the article and are gullible side with RC's points.
yes. yes he did
"Yes is the only answer that would justfy publishing that. The Red Cross do wonderful work around the world but they have no business looking at games"
"Cleidophoros: Be that as may reporting RC's view about games and morality is not being worst in games reporting.
Delixe: Oh.God. Seriously? What the hell are the Red Cross doing looking at games? Seriously?"
3. Just leaving a scare tactics header and an article is a good scaremongering/spin tactic. Without explaining a position or stance on RC's actions and leaving that header there they know the gullible will associate header with article and it will influence the weaker minded who read it.
Fine. just a header. worth an outrage? worth screaming your lungs off? diminishing the whole article
This is just like how Fox News uses scaremongering pictures onscreen while it reports it's "news" as it knows people will see the pictures and the pictures will influence the person's mind who is listening to or reading the story.
not true. Fox news use that tactic through whole program, through whole part of news. Kotaku only did that with the title. rest is unbiased piece of news.
Edit: Most fair news journalists when reporting explain the issue from a non-biased POV without scare-inducing/emotion-grabbing pictures or other visual aids, and try not to let their own bias slip into the article. If it's a piece based on an editor's writer's POV the writer will(to be fair) usually write that the article is their opinion and explain why they hold that opinion.
This article was just a scare inducing header and a bunch of facts thrown into an "article" without explaining the facts in more detail and if the writer thought the facts were good or not & why, to make sure the reader didn't get the wrong impressions from the article.
The only problem i see is the header. rest of article is news, facts, they should not be opinions. maybe article is too short not enough facts which combined with the pic does make it 'suggestive'; valid complaints which
you made not delixe.
but the whole situation (kill the author, omg kotaku is so horrible) really does not suit what i read there. Even if the article is flawed like you said... the whole outburst is simply uncalled for.
but meh. i learned a lot about RC in past 14 hours :) thank you Delixe thank you kotaku.
Delixe: Maybe I'm just more used to the BBC than Sky/Fox news but I am used to seeing news presented as unbiased as possible. In this case you always have a counterpoint to the statement. Prime Minister makes a statement on the economy? Then you have a financial expert to talk about it. In this case Kotaku have led with an extremely objectionable banner which already puts you in a state of mind about the content of the news. This is the journalistic equivalent of dumping bad news on someone while saying "I'll just leave this here" before leaving the room. It's bad, sloppy news and like I said sensationalist garbage. The kind of thing Fox news does all the time.
There are too many people working as games journalists who don't have any journalistic skills and Crecente appears to be one of them. I expect the news presented but also given analysis. But I guess that's too much to ask from journalists who think entertainment is the presenter of G4TV swallowing a hot dog like it's a cock.
you see Delixe... :P you can make sense!
If you made this post as your first one, if you actually explained your position from the beginning (instead of wishing someone death. even if it was exaggeration) we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Kotaku really pissed you off yesterday didn't it?