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RedRagan: I used to frequent Kotaku before Brian Crecente and McWerthor leave the site and went and created Polygon. Now Kotaku is simply a "gossip" video game site and love to make fun of Asian culture thinking we're just a bunch of freakshow.
Foxhack: ... newsflash, Kotaku was a gossip video game site before those two even left.
At least during Brian Crecente era they actually balance it with interesting articles like "Well Played" and `culture news. Now it's all out of control after Brian left.
RedRagan: So yeah, I laughed when they made an article like that. Don't bother to put our old games recommendation for them. Sure "kotaku has a fairly large number of people reading their website" But you can also say that to Gamefaqs and IGN site.
Faenrir: So ? If gamefaqs or IGN did the same, i'd link them. Turns out it's kotaku.
And do you know there are tags to read only what you want ? like kotakucore and that kind of stuff, to remove all the gossip ?
I guess you don't ^^ anyway, it's still one of the website where the news are real news and not 10 hours yeah, i'll keep on reading it :p
Heh, Kotakucore, aka when kids are screaming and kicking about gossip news they had to made a tag for it. Also real news? they are the one who blew up the news about "Lara Croft got raped in the new version" and linked it to Jezebel and saw the click views rising as angry clueless non gamers ranting and shouting.
Post edited September 05, 2013 by RedRagan
I was interested until I saw it was from Shitaku.
Faenrir: Most gaming sites get their news from kotaku
Alright, I laughed.
Why are we still talking about how awful Kotaku is?

Anyway, really surprising to see Hexxagon there. Love that game :D
Faenrir: Most gaming sites get their news from kotaku
Skunk: Alright, I laughed.
Cool story, bro. Now go check gaming sites like or others. Sure, they're not the biggest site (still ranked 866 worldwide on alexa and 21 in france though) but they're still copying pretty much every game related news from kotaku and translating it. And believe me, they're not alone.
Even the bigger sites like IGN or such sometimes steal news from kotaku. They have good infos and some nice sources. Sure, the site might be loaded with non-videogame related crap, but as i already said, you can use tags to remove all that. And the tag system isn't new btw.

Also, i don't care if you like the site or not, this thread was to inform the community that we had a chance to help gog make even more $$$. If you're uninterested in that, well no one asked you to answer or come to gog in the first place, you know.
Post edited September 06, 2013 by Faenrir
I see Sacrifice was added, and seconded too :D Also, they misspelled "Sanitarium" ...
If anything, this serves as a reminder of all the great games we still need on here.
The finalised list:
That list is lame. Kotaku are lame.

Forgetting 'Elite' 1984 invalidates the whole thing