ktchong: I know they are not Richard Garriott, Chris Roberts, Warren Spector, Brian Fargo, Chris Taylor, Feargus Urquhart, Tim Cain, Will Wright, Tom Clancy or anyone who can be properly and rightfully credited for Ultima, the Bard's Tale, the Sims or any of the titles the Loop Poop guys claimed to have "designed and worked on."
PenutBrittle: Tom Clancy isn't a fucking game developer you thick moron. He probably hasn't even touched a recent game that has his name on it, because he's an author. One of Loot Drop's two previous games was a Ghost Recon title. Are you still going to despite that they didn't work on Ghost Recon? Because I will never stop laughing at you if you do. Games aren't handcrafted by single people, which is a simple concept that's obviously too difficult for your brain to grasp. A person can have a lead role, but it still requires a team putting forth ideas and implementing features. Ever look at the credits for an Ultima game? There's more goddamn names on there than Richard Garriott. If you think the rest of the staff doesn't deserve any credit at all, you're a shortsighted asshole. Games don't emerge fully formed from the hopes and dreams of Will Wright, there's a whole company of artists and programmers behind those designers making things happen. I didn't create McDonalds from scratch, but I would still say I worked there in a resume if that were the case. How is this remotely different. They're not acting like they created any of the games from scratch by themselves, just stating the simple facts of their team's background. Oh gosh. I can't stand arguing with someone acting this dumb, it's hurting my head.
LOL, I often times don't agree with you Penut, but you're about as close to completely right as I ever see.
Also, could somebody please pass me my glasses, this is serious internet business.