Foxhack: I'd be excited if they fixed all the fucking bugs on the site first.
Why won't they let me buffer more than five seconds of video? Why can't I set the default view quality, and I have to force videos to play at 720p -every time-? WHY DO WE STILL HAVE TO USE GOOGLE PLUS TO DO ANYTHING?
*grumble grumble*
The Google+ is really annoying. I was playing an Android game and it kept trying to access my photos and force me to log in to Google+. I know that's a different site, but it's still fucking annoying. If I wanted a Google+ account, I would make one.
GreenDigitalWolf: What's the problem with those companies? I'm not from the U.S.A and I see a lot of people complaining about them. I don't remember what were the specific problems, only that they were bad. I'm really curious about it.
Darvond: Aside from the fact that you pay 60 USD for 5 down and 1 up, there is a a very long and wide list as to the criminal incongruity that Comcast, the North Korea of ISP has committed.
The MPAA, or 'Motion Picture Association of America' is home to some of the biggest hollywood honchos and the main issue is that they are situated in DC. Right on the jugular of the country. Yeah, they might be the ratings board, but like the ESRB, have you ever noticed how incredibly open they are about how a film or game gets rated? Its an omniscient council of vagueness.
I refuse to have anything more to do with Comcrap after they couldn't be bothered to provide the service they were selling. The service was out literally 3 hours a day for the last few weeks before I canceled.
As much as it pisses me off that I'm paying the same price for my 5/1 service with Centurylink that they're charging other people for 40 down where they have it, I'd much rather give my money to Centurylink than comcrap.