wpegg: The reason I'm posting this here (apart from because I like the series and am supporting it) is because it's a similar concept to GOG, of freeing us from the corporations shackles. They're going for crowd sourced TV. Where series are made if they get enough supporters, not if they get enough marketing executives to swoon. I think this model could be really good for the future.
FraterPerdurabo: I admire the optimism but... Watched everything linked here thus far and I do truly find it subpar at best. Let's do the contrary to what we said that we'd do. Maybe my standards are a bit elevated at the moment as I just finished watching Blackadder S4 a few days ago (and mind you, S1 is better) but this really wasn't great in my book.
But yeah, far from great. If I could make an analogy with the video gaming industry then I'd invoke... "I-don't-know-think-of-any-game-that-you-know-of-with-great-graphics-but-disappointing-gameplay." Oblivion? But I don't even think that Oblivion's graphics are great.
Well, not everything is to everyone's taste. Though I feel that setting the bar at BlackAdder S4 (which is way better than S1 btw) is setting it a little high. Also, the links here are not really the best examples, the link in my riginal post is the first episode, which starts a little badly, then the second episode (which is in the related videos) is where it picks up.