Miaghstir: I have a feature request, I'd like the possibility of specifying the folder (either name or full path) for each game.
You normally use the default folders "baldurs_gate_the_original_saga" and "baldurs_gate_2_complete" for those two games, but I 'd like them to be downloaded to folders named "Baldur's Gate 1" and "Baldur's Gate 2" instead (so they get sorted correctly), I could have a textfile (say "folders.ini" or whatever) with the lines:
baldurs_gate_the_original_saga=Baldur's Gate 1
baldurs_gate_2_complete=Baldur's Gate 2
If the file or the lines for those games are not present, the downloader would use the default folder names.
Actually, for the Baldur's Gate series this isn't as important (because they're sorted right after each other anyway), but for Alien/The Nations, Myst/Riven/Uru, (Heroes of) Might and Magic, Divine/Beyond Divinity, and Constructor/Mob Rule, I like the same series to be close to each other, hence why I'd like to specify custom names for the folders.
You can now download the modified version. You'll need to edit the file called "folder.txt" under datas directory. The first time, you will find it after that the application shows you the list of your games. You can edit it before you type your choise, or before you run again the application.
Now the application should also work on mac, by going to the console and typing
java -jar JGoGDownloader.jar
But it is still at an early stage, so I don't reccomend you tu use it.