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Is jailbreaking illegal? I saw that Ustream has an app, but you can only access it by using Cydia, which you get by jailbreaking it. Are there advantages to jailbreaking it, or should I just leave the poor thing alone?
Oh yeah, and I also noticed that you can play Beneath a Steel Sky on it if you download ScummVM to it, which you need to jailbreak it to do.
Post edited July 16, 2009 by TheCheese33
Regardless of the legality you'll certainly void your warranty so if anything ever goes wrong with it, Apple aren't going to help you.
bansama: Regardless of the legality you'll certainly void your warranty so if anything ever goes wrong with it, Apple aren't going to help you.

I'm fine with that. I have a touch, so they can't brick it. I just want to know whether it's legal or not, as I don't want to break any laws, and I really want to play some Beneath a Steel Sky on my Touch.
EDIT: Looks like the legality is up in the air right now. Apple and others are fighting over it, since it has not been laid out yet.
Post edited July 16, 2009 by TheCheese33
Whether it is legal or not, jailbreak the device anyways! it is bought and paid for, thus you should be able to do what you will with it and damn the consequences.
JudasIscariot: Whether it is legal or not, jailbreak the device anyways! it is bought and paid for, thus you should be able to do what you will with it and damn the consequences.

One step ahead of you. I jailbroke it, installed ScummVM, and...What's this? ScummVM doesn't see the files in the Beneath a Steel Sky folder, even though I can navigate to that folder just fine? GAAAH! Does anyone know how to solve this, or am I plum out of luck?
JudasIscariot: Whether it is legal or not, jailbreak the device anyways! it is bought and paid for, thus you should be able to do what you will with it and damn the consequences.
TheCheese33: One step ahead of you. I jailbroke it, installed ScummVM, and...What's this? ScummVM doesn't see the files in the Beneath a Steel Sky folder, even though I can navigate to that folder just fine? GAAAH! Does anyone know how to solve this, or am I plum out of luck?

Yeah, buy a Windows Mobile phone :-D
I have ScummVM on my HTC Touch Pro. Works like a charm.
Seriously though, if you want technical help with ScummVM, you'll be better off asking at their forum.
[EDIT] Sorry, you said touch, not iPhone. Still, I'll recommend the HTC. I use it for everything. Music, video, games... And phone things, of course ;-)
Post edited July 16, 2009 by Wishbone
Wishbone: I have ScummVM on my HTC Touch Pro. Works like a charm.
Seriously though, if you want technical help with ScummVM, you'll be better off asking at their forum.
[EDIT] Sorry, you said touch, not iPhone. Still, I'll recommend the HTC. I use it for everything. Music, video, games... And phone things, of course ;-)

Mine's got GPS as well. And thats just in the standard rom,. the cooked ones from xdadevelopers have some really swanky stuff in them.
ScummVM can be a bit tricky, you can highlight the folder and select 'add' and it'll scan the contents, is that what you're doing? Are you sure you have all the required BASS files? With earlier versions of ScummVM, it was a bit picky about folder names, it might still be.
Wishbone: I have ScummVM on my HTC Touch Pro. Works like a charm.
Seriously though, if you want technical help with ScummVM, you'll be better off asking at their forum.
[EDIT] Sorry, you said touch, not iPhone. Still, I'll recommend the HTC. I use it for everything. Music, video, games... And phone things, of course ;-)
Aliasalpha: Mine's got GPS as well. And thats just in the standard rom,. the cooked ones from xdadevelopers have some really swanky stuff in them.
ScummVM can be a bit tricky, you can highlight the folder and select 'add' and it'll scan the contents, is that what you're doing? Are you sure you have all the required BASS files? With earlier versions of ScummVM, it was a bit picky about folder names, it might still be.

I got all of the files from the BASS download at ScummVM, including the file that they said had to be in there for it to work on all versions of Scumm after an older version. I might try renaming the folder, though the name is the same one it got zipped from (It was the CD version), so I'm not sure what I should rename it as.
Well the folder on my PDA's version of scummVM is simply called BASS
Wishbone: Still, I'll recommend the HTC. I use it for everything. Music, video, games... And phone things, of course ;-)
Aliasalpha: Mine's got GPS as well. And thats just in the standard rom,. the cooked ones from xdadevelopers have some really swanky stuff in them.

Yeah, I know. It just doesn't come with any GPS software, sadly. I haven't gotten a GPS program yet, so I haven't used that function. And the stuff from xdadevelopers is really cool. One of my colleagues uses a lot of their stuff. I might too, one of these days.
JudasIscariot: Whether it is legal or not, jailbreak the device anyways! it is bought and paid for, thus you should be able to do what you will with it and damn the consequences.

you are out of control
i like it
I haven't jailbroken in at least a year, what's the latest jailbreaking method out there? 3G on 3.0 btw.