Posted April 13, 2011
Trilarion: But who would believe you that you have destroyed all your copies? And how can the other person prove that they have bought something / a legal product?
Orryyrro: That's the very thing about DRM, it treats you as a criminal despite there being no evidence, the ability to resell a product is a legal right in many countries, such as the first-sale doctrine in the United States, GOG physically prevents that from happening. If I merely wished to sell copies, nothing currently on GOG's installers is preventing me from doing so, if I wish to legally resell the game, GOG is preventing me from doing so.
So while I dislike DRM in things I wish to own and keep, if I wanted to resell something I actually take the companies' side on this one. In my perfect system, rentals and re-sellable copies have DRM to keep the honest man honest, while copies that you wish to own and keep have no DRM, and lastly you have free demos to know which are which. :) That maintains the consistency of assuming active vs. passive honesty/dishonesty amongst consumers across all types of goods and commercial transactions.