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Happy Birthday.

My crazyest birthday party I attended was probably my best friends 20th birthday. Four of us got so drunk we went out while it was snowing and we laid in the snow for an hour or so and continued drinking. And strangely enough none of us got sick after it xD
Happy birthday xa_chan! Thanks for the giveaway!

The best birthday party....when my son turned five we got him a bicycle with training wheels. He was using it in the house and all the other kids were chasing him around. Good times!
Felicitations on your natal anniversary!

The craziest birthday bash I ever went to was my friend and former coworker's 21st birthday, which she insisted on celebrating in grand style at an upscale strip club. (That's right, SHE did.)

The weirdest one I ever attended was my brother and sister's 16th birthday; she wanted a sweet 16 (and he obviously didn't) so my parents rented out a local pub one Saturday afternoon. (Alcohol only for the adults, though; I was only 17.) They brought in a male stripper for my sister; and one of my friends didn't want my brother to feel left out, so she ducked into the restroom and put her bra on outside of her clothes, then dared him to take it off of her with everyone watching.

In, thank you, and +1 for your generosity.
Happy Birthday!

The best birthday party I've attended, was on the Munich Oktoberfest.

Please count me in xa_chan, thanks!
Post edited September 30, 2013 by DeMignon
In and +1

When I was 16, I went to a friend's birthday (he was turning 17) . Anyway, we got drunk and got into a fight with some gypsies. The end :P
Happy Birthday and thanks for the giveaway!

Haven't been to a lot of party, but once when I was a kid, during the party the mother made a contest, which was pretty fun.

Not an epic story, but it's still a story.
Spent only one birthday at Chuck E. Cheese's, but that's about it.
happy b-day.
20th birthday of my friend and we had booze,paintball and a copy of Team America:World Police.nuff said
xa_chan: And I wish to give back to this community who has already given me so much!

So, it will be a giveaway!

Sorry, but as my budget is limited at this time, I can't do better than

1 9.99$ game of your choice here on GOG giveaway

The rule?

Just tell me the best (or craziest, but in the happy way) birthday party you ever attended, whether it was yours or a friend/relative/perfect stranger's one.

No reputation limit, no registration date limit, it's open to everybody.

I'll let that run until monday noon (Japan time), at which time I will choose the winner (certainly with the help of !
Happy Birthday!

Well this one time I didn't actually take part in the birthday but I was in the same household ( I wasn't invited ) but when I woke up there was some random girl sleeping next to me and my floor was littered with drunk people, I just wonder how on earth they all managed to get into my room without waking me.

I would like to enter if I qualify thanks.
Not in, but Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!

My dad has the same birthday as his mom. After she passed away, his bday celebrations weren't as happy as they used to be. However, I was lucky enough to marry a girl with almost the same birthday - one day off. So now we have a party for the two of them every year. It's not a huge thing but it makes birthdays happier for my dad than they have been these past few years.

That's my story. I hope it fits what you were looking for. Thank you for doing this.
F1ach: +1 for a great idea for the giveaway.

My best party was a friends birthday party, they managed to get a pig somehow (living in the city, so it wasnt easy), dug a big pit in the garden, filled it with coal (actual COAL!) threw the (dead) pig on it to cook, the pig went on fire (due to the fat) and nearly burned down their house, they got a HUGE bill from the Fire Brigade for the call out, no insurance from their insurer either to cover the repairs, rather tough on them, but crikey it was a blast at the time! :)
Post edited September 27, 2013 by Gerin
Happy birthday, xa_chan, and thanks for the generous giveaway!

The best birthday I ever experienced was my 18th birthday. That weekend my friends had kind of been avoiding me and I was a little depressed about it. Then on the day of my birthday two of them called me to hang out. We spent the day doing whatever, then they said we should go see what our other friend was up to. When we arrived at his house it was empty. Then we went down into the basement, which was dark, and when the lights came on there were tons of people who shouted, "Surprise!" at me. :D

I hadn't experienced a surprise party before so it was really special. We had a great time. The best thing about it was this was a couple weeks before I was leaving for college, so it was a great chance to have all my friends together in one place. It's one of the nicest things anybody has ever done for me!

Anyway, sorry for the long post... happy b-day again!
Firstly, Happy Birthday!

Secondly, wall of text so be forewarned ;-p

For a big box birthday (those are the ones where on forms, you have to check off a different box), my husband starting planning almost a year in advance...he's just like that! It began one day when we were both sitting around on our laptops - I never ask him who are you writing to but this day I did - he said "I'm inviting your sister to your surprise birthday party". I laughed - it was 8 or 9 months in the future! So the year flew by and various family members and friends made plans to come to my "Surprise" birthday party. It got to be a big deal at a fancy restaurant...

About a month before the big day, I had gotten tickets to see the Tim Burton exhibition and was going to take my son but at the last minute, he couldn't go on that day. So I was IMing my husband at work to try and arrange a different date before the exhibition ended. Now he never gets angry - it is so rare as to be almost unheard of - so when he began to get upset with me saying I have plans that weekend, I began to suspect something... Later that evening, he came home and presented me with a poem (did I tell you that he is a terrible poet - so much so that they always make me laugh?) Anyway, it basically said "I'm telling you now so your clients don;'t think I'm a jerk, you'll be missing a week of work...etc"

Aha! And so began the four weeks of being teased mercilessly - his mother said to me "I hear Siberia is lovely this time of year!" and other friends began a pool to see if I could guess where we were going. Finally one day I called my credit card company with a small problem and while I was on the phone I mentioned that I was going to be traveling (always call them in advance so they don't shut off your credit!). The guy was SUPER helpful and mentioned that my husband had already called and began to list a series of countries already noted on our account! As soon as he arrived home that day I began to chant "I know where we're going! I know where we're going!" (yes, I can be a brat sometimes ;-p)

It turns out that he took me back to a small hotel in southern France (we'd been there once before) for my actual BIG day - we ordered the same charcuterie appetizer that we'd had several years before (It had become a fish story about how many small dishes were included!) and this time we counted them. We drank the most amazing champagne, ate delicious food and spent the next week getting lost in the French Alps...needless to say, it was one of the best birthdays ever!
Thanks for the giveaway and +1.

Please count me in. My best birthday was probably my 16th as in it was a surprise birthday party for me in which I did not have any clue it was planned. My family even knew and got to the party before I did due to some fine distraction (shopping) on the part of my friends. I've never had another birthday party which was actually a surprise or attended one where the celebrated party didn't have an inkling before hand. I give my friends high marks for acting completely normal and planning a regular outing and managing to plan a birthday party on the side without my knowledge.

Haven't ever really been to a birthday party I'd call crazy though. I guess I have pretty tame friends & family :-)
Not in, but thank you for the giveaway and happy birthday xa_chan!