HereForTheBeer: No, I mean that if he had bothered to take the time to go through the permit process for displaying his art on public property, then he would either have been given approval along with steps to notify the authorities (or maybe that happens as part of the approval process), or they'd say "no" to the permit application.
Be that as it may, there
is a process for these things. I know what you're getting at with this story, but I'm through getting upset with the results of these things when the whole problem starts after someone glazes over Step 1: get permission. I know, permission isn't "edgy" or "cool", and thus it isn't "art".
And, really, obviously not a bomb? How in the world can you determine that from the photo? Looks to me like one could easily fit inside a couple soup cans filled with nails, a pound or so of homemade explosive, a couple D-cell batteries to light off such a device, a cell phone for remote detonation, and even a metal plate to direct the 'results'. Place the device inside a stapled-shut brown paper bag (it looks like there is a brown bag inside the white bag), and then place
that in the plastic bag. Visual inspection isn't going to tell the police squat, except that it's potentially big enough to hurt a lot of people.
Why should we have to gets permits for everything, though? Permits for protesting, permits for fires in our own backyards, permits for pooping in the woods will be next I would guess.
Thing is I think he should've told someone or asked someone as well before hanging each one, but not gone so far as to get a permit for it.....(especially if he wanted to hang them on private property(residential/etc.)
I agree he should've asked still doesn't make it less discussion worthy just because someone else got into a somewhat similar situation with different circumstances sometime before that though, imo.
We already had a person in here stating)with experience) that he wouldn't consider it a threat just from looking at it if he were called to such a scene......also I looked at other pictures which show it more clearly. It is pretty see through and looks pretty empty in some of them...even the hanging ones. I don't get how a hanging lantern(basically) that's practically see through can be taken to be a bomb(or at least to the degree that it takes people 2 hours to clear the things) in the first place by any person with some common sense.