reaver894: What harm would it have done them to agree even if it were just a short term extension to see how sales went?
Its a shitty move IMO, remember at one stage steam was a new contract. All contracts start somewhere.
Fenixp: Because in your opinion they do a shitty move doesn't mean they're dickheads. They didn't purposefully pull Fallout off GOG - if anything blame Interplay who were incapable of sustaining themselves. Actually, don't blame anyone, because it's incredibly silly to just look to throw blame all the time - Interplay's contract has run out, regardless of who owns the license now. I'm thankful it is Bethesda who will actually spread Fallout around, even if not trough GOG.
IIRC, Interplay filed for bankrupcy (can't google 'cause crappy internet connection. I am actually serious.) so the Fallout property is much more likely to appear here now when Bethesda owns it than if a lawyer firm or a bank did. Might take some time, sure. Just keep in mind that whoever the IP would end up with, agreement with Interplay would end yesterday regardless.
While i hope fallout returns I do not believe it will. And while beth having the IP makes things easier for future games and stuff like that i dont like it and it is my opinion that beth restricting outlets is a dick move.
You may not agree, thats fine. If everyone thought, felt and acted the same life would be boring.
Its like the old saying "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and they all stink"