doccarnby: They've had a resurgence lately, now more of them are actually based on what they're parodying, rather than many old one which just made a silly name based on the movie and was just... porn (though those are out there and are rather boring. You know, for porn). There's a website that tracks the upcoming releases (... wow. really?) and shines a spotlight on older "classics", but I'm pretty damn sure I can't link to it.
Thanks for the info, I never even knew there was a large enough market for these kinds of things, but I guess it makes perfect sense. Name recognition and peoples love for the perverted stuff feels like a no-brainer from a marketing point of view. I'm almost tempted to google this, to find more info, but I'm afraid that my young and innocent mind will find things best left unknown.
AFnord: I've never even heard of these before (apart from a line in Zak & Miri make a porno).
grviper: The Cinema Snob has reviews of ET porn and Super Mario Bros. porn. Oddly enough Ron Jeremy was in the latter... as Luigi.
I sadly don't know who Ron Jeremy is, but in the context I guess he is a slightly overweight Italian looking pornstar or something. And ET-porn? I'm not even sure if I want to know... *checks cinema snob's other reviews*
*edit* Oh dear... NO! I just watched Cinema Snob's review of the ET porno spoof, and now I really want to get that image out of my mind.