Posted February 21, 2014
So, what's the problem?
When I purchase a game, I consider the actual entire cost. A game like Skyrim, I waited until all the DLC were out, so I could decide what I wanted. I didn't want the house one, so I never got it. And the rest, I got on sale, just like the base game. Sims? I've counted the cost, and I won't pay it, so I won't play it. Simple.
Game companies are giving people what they want and making darn few mistakes along the way. Sure, EA pissed everybody off recently with Dungeon Keeper mobile, but that was a mistake, and they are paying for it. Would I say Sims has made a mistake? No. They've clearly got your business, because - bitch and moan or not - you're willing to pay for a pet expansion every time a new base game comes out. I'm not, and they don't have my business.
Nothing wrong from that point of view.
What's really wrong is that most of these DLC are used to milk the audience because they're either:
1) really easy to make
2) already made when the game gets released
3) silly / don't fit the game universe (zombies in every game wtf).