hedwards: Assuming that the OP has Googleplay or the market. Some phones don't have it at all and in some places it's not even offered. Although< I doubt that's Sweden.
IronStar: Wait...not offered at all? Are you sure?
I think GooglePlay (store) is available only for verified Android devices. A friend of mine ordered a very cheapo no-name Android tablet from some Asian online store, and it can't get anything from the official Android store. I got some error with it when I tried to go to the app market.
I googled for it before, and there's a list of all the verified Android devices that can connect to GooglePlay. I guess one of the reasons it wants to recognize your Android device it is so that GooglePlay will not display items for you that wouldn't work on your device anyway.
But I guess all Android-devices that they sell in normal shops, at least in the Western world, are verified & supported devices.
Dzsono: If timppu's suggestion doesn't work, have you ever used modded firmware? Cyanogen Mod is the most popular and is super easy to use and installation has very detailed walkthroughs. It does void the warranty, but if your phone is far from high end maybe you won't care?
I actually installed the Cyanogen Mod for our ZTE Blade, but for some reason the Huawei phone wasn't supported by CM, at least like a half a year ago. So, just reminding that not nearly all Android devices are supported by CM, unfortunately.
Actually, now I remember I reverted back the official firmware/Android version to the ZTE Blade later, because I couldn't figure out some of the settings for it to make the it connect to the operator network (it was not sim-locked, but it was missing some file or configuration which I'd have to get from my operator). Since even the Linux/Android-expert at my work couldn't help me there, I reverted back to official ZTE Blade Android just to be able to make damn calls with the device once again. :)