Neobr10: That's life. Exclusives drive console sales and this "exclusive tug of war" has been going on for decades now. It won't change. If you look at E3, you'll notice that it's just a "battle for exclusives", even for multiplatform games. It sucks, but that's life for you. Besides, i think that the PC already has enough good games to last a lifetime. You really don't need every console exclusive in existence.
I just read that link you posted, and to be very honest i can't see how Sony is "evil" because of that. From what i read there, the game is being funded by Sony, the developer said that they couldn't have made the game without this support. I don't see what's so wrong about it. Sony is funding the damn thing, they are the ones who should decide for which platforms the game will be released. It's their money, and they want to sell consoles. That's capitalism for you.
Doesn't mean I have to like what they do and have no right to complain. It makes a person like me paranoid when they start playing around with exclusives again like they did for the 360 and PS3 back in their peak especially if they touch PC titles.
I fear that the other platforms are iOS and Android and no mention of PC. And no, I won't thank sony for that even if it comes to PC eventually for them playing the PS4 priority game (I get extra sensitive especially when it's one of my favourite games ever). It's also capitalism now that I'm boycotting sony across the board. Call me narrow-minded or selfish but I guess I won't change.
Neobr10: Objective. There's no way to confirm for sure if it had to do with technical limitations or a deliberate design choice, unless the developers themselves say something about it. KOTOR was released on the Xbox, the same platform that got Morrowind, the huge open-world RPG that PC gamers love so much. If Bethesda managed to squeeze Morrowind into the Xbox, why couldn't Bioware do something similar? So, yeah, i still think that it was a design choice rather than technical limitations imposed on them. Big open-world games were possible on consoles.
There's one thing that i don't understand, though. You just complained about consoles getting exclusive games, and now you're complaining that Deux Ex 2 and KOTOR were not PC exclusives? Seems like some double standards right there to be honest.
I guess we don't really know. Most developers then made games for consoles in mind first then port to the PC, since they have the license to develop for the consoles, why waste it. Morrowind and DA:O was made for PCs first then released to the console crowd. Console DA:O had no isometric tactical view on the consoles, not idea what EA gave for their reasons whether it be technical limitations or just being lazy, it pissed quite a number of people, but knowing EA they probably are being butt-lazy. They continued to make DA2 which was the exact opposite of DA:O, it had no isometric camera this time and pissed off the original PC gamers.
Actually I'm not a big fan of Bethesda games and have boycotted their games since Oblivion. Their games had big open worlds but that's about it. Combat is simple, writing is atrocious at points, quests and sidequests fall bland etc.
There's the particularly weird case with Diablo 3. Sure it was released for PC first, but it's reasonable to argue it was made with consoles in mind right at the start. The 4 button hotkey quickbar kinda gave it away. You couldn't hotkey your abilities to the Function keys like you could in D2. Pretty unsurprising when the console versions were announced, the 4 button skills fit the controller perfectly. And yes I know consoles can use the keyboard, just like we can use any USB accessory but most don't. So not only did we suffer always online DRM, and disconnects but we used to have the RMAH, the console versions are free of all that. Yea, I know Blizzard's fault for the last few reasons especially them treating us like pirates.
No, I'm not complaining that games like Deus Ex: IW and KOTOR are not PC exclusives. I'm wondering what would've happened if they had better resources and equipment to develop their games from at that time. I have problems with games going console exclusive only, denying PC releases in the process and I'm also bothered if publishers made their games for the console and not bother to put up a good PC port or game.
Neobr10: And that has nothing to do with consoles. What does the closure of Bullfrog, Origin and Westhood have to do with consoles? Do you want to blame consoles for Ultima 8 and 9 as well?
Nah, I'm blaming the studios themselves for that, I'm mentioned EA and M$ as 2 examples. And I'm known around here to have a burning hatred for EA since 2003.
In case you get the impression that I'm probably a vile console hater, I'm really am not. I grew up with consoles back in the late 80s to the 90s as much as I did with the PC and I'm a regular at arcades. Games like Mario, Contra, Double Dragon, Golden Axe, Sonic, Duck Hunt, Top Gun, Chip and Dale, Bare Knuckle, I kinda grew up with them during the Nintendo, Sega eras. In fact one of my favourite gaming achievements is being able to complete Contra 2 without using a continue. I had the honour of seeing Akuma appearing for the first time in arcades for SSF2 and I've been going to the arcades plenty since Streetfighter 2 and the early Fatal Fury days to play fighting games and beat-em-ups all the way till Marvel vs Capcom 2 days and now SFIV. I also played games on the Sega Saturn and PS1, games like Resident Evil and the usual fighting games.
Back then console gaming left PC gaming alone mostly. We were happy then. Even though ports were found across platforms like how C&C and Warcraft 2 were on Sega Saturn and Romance of the Three Kingdoms 4 was on PS1 and FF7 and FF8 were on PC as well. It wasn't until the Xbox and Xbox 360 that all these shenanigans came about. But I guess I'll just leave it at that.