fuNGoo: WTF? What happened to freedom of speech?! Guess that's one of the luxuries that we have only in America because someone censored my topic subject.
*headdesk* Freedom of speech does not apply to a private place. the GOG forums are a private place which is owned/operated by GOG, and they allow use to use it, with explicit rules spelled out which we are required to follow in order to use their space.
Freedom of speech only applies to non "hate speech", in PUBLIC places in the united states.
My house? Freedom of speech does not apply. Your house? Freedom of speech does not apply (you may choose to apply it, but I am sure there are certain things someone could say to you that would net them being kicked out of your house). Wal Mart? Freedom of speech does not apply. The internet? Is for porn, but not free speech. The street corner? Yes, is actually applies there.
Also noteworthy is even if Freedom of Speech DID apply to internet forums (which it doesn't for the above noted reasons), it would not apply here as this forum is owned and operated outside of the US.