roninnogitsune: I know that video, it's really meh. I didn't find it funny since everything was forced, the whole Grunting and moaning the guy playing does is basically a laugh track for a bad sit com. The Doom one is much better, it at least has some trust for the audience (the the scatological title is a bit childish.)
I honestly think the only reason people like this is that there's a big group that dislike modern FPS games, and in a way they have a right since they are radically different to the old games and there aren't many games comming out for that niche of FPS gamers and it's very frustrating to be in that niche. I'm having the same problem with JRPGs, I'm in a forgotten niche.
Still doesn't make the video less lazy and forced in it's humor.
This basically sums up my thoughts. There isn't anything wrong with enjoying both retro FPS games and modern FPS games. In some ways, the older ones were better like in terms of level design but in some ways, the modern ones are better in terms of controls and, of course, graphics.
Of course this doesn't stop some nostalgic dickheads from thinking that they're better than everyone else in the world just because they were around when Quake and Doom were still new or from bashing someone for having a different experience than them. I especially like when they say "that's cause you suck CORPORATE dick!!!111one1" due to the irony of their statements.