Posted June 20, 2014
FantasyNightmare: No, because there are still games only released on PC and not on console.
Besides, there isn't anything wrong with being a console gamer, is there?
jamyskis: I remember this quite patently idiotic image that someone posted at one point to demonstrate that the PC was somehow superior because it had "more" exclusives, even though the PC section had an absurd amount of shovelware, and the download exclusives on the consoles were deliberately left out. Besides, there isn't anything wrong with being a console gamer, is there?
There are certainly plenty of PC exclusives, and when it comes to the best indies, PC almost always gets them first due to it being an open platform (before inevitably being ported to consoles), but no-one should be in any doubt that claiming that PC had tons of exclusives is like claiming the Wii had tons of exclusives.
The Wii DID have tons of third-party exclusives, but there was a damn good reason why many of those (non-Nintendo) exclusives were never brought over to other platforms. Same applies to PC. Exclusives only matter when people only on other platforms get jealous of them.
But I get your point. I highly doubt console gamers are gonna drool over Planetary Annihilation or Rome 2