Elmofongo: Do yourself a favor and get Unreal Tournament 2004.
blotunga: That one I've enjoyed back in the days, but I wanted something single player and presumably with a story, not something repetitive like Painkiller. Which btw didn't seemed so hard :)
Kunovski: I play all the "pure" (non-rpg) FPS games on easy or very easy, basically the easiest difficulty it has, as I'm there just for the story
blotunga: Same here. Sometimes the RPG ones also. Like F3 and F:NV. Vats is just too damn annoying :)
actually I do play Fallout NV on easy too :) come to think of it, I usually only choose higher difficulty if it affects gameplay and atmosphere somehow (for example Thief only on hardest, and also STALKER on higher as it adds heavily to the hardcore depressive and hopeless feel of the game)
but to play the game with higher difficulty only so that the enemies are tougher and I need to shoot them more to kill them, what's the point?