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My family's having some issues right now, and I'm feeling quite frazzled. I dug around for a FPS to play, but I realized that I don't have a single FPS in my PC collection. I have a small handful for my Xbox, but I've never really liked console shooters.

I was looking at Far Cry here on GOG, but I'd like to see some personal recommendations for it, since the reviews for Far Cry are short and not terribly helpful. The most recent shooter I played for any duration was Star Wars: Republic Commando, and I'd like something with similarly good graphics but as deep (or deeper) gameplay.

Of course, if GOG has others you'd recommend above Far Cry, please feel free. I'm trying to restrict my game purchases to GOG for the foreseeable future, though.
This question / problem has been solved by Nazarushimage
I stopped at family and issues. You need Postal 2.

Titanium: I stopped at family and issues. You need Postal 2.

Errr...thanks for your help, but I think I'll pass on that o.O

I object to that series in general because of the sick developers, I don't know much about gameplay :P
I agree with tin man

Edit. Ok not postal. Cant improve on far cry
Post edited February 19, 2011 by reaver894
If you want a game that is actually playable, do not get Postal...

If you want just some quick mindless shooter to work out some 'issues', try Serious Sam or Painkiller, they are both in the pick-up-and-play category and will last some time.

Farcry is also good though, but I found it getting annoying towards the end. Either of these will do.
Far Cry gets very, very difficult later on. If you're not that big on FPS you might not find that to be your best option.

If you're looking for something with a bit of depth to it then Stalker Call of Pripyat seems like an easy recommendation to make. It's heading into open world RPG territory, save for the fact that you can't upgrade your character's abilities (just the equipment).

Bioshock is another obvious choice for an FPS with a bit of depth to it.

If you're looking for something a bit squad based like Rupublic Commando then the Brothers in Arms games are well worth a look, as are the Rainbow 6 Vegas games.

Another recommendation would be Condemned. It involves a lot more melee combat than gunplay and also involves crime scene investigation with your gadgets.
As long as we are suggesting FPS outside of GoG - Borderlands. FPS-RPG - 4 classes with 3 talent trees, semi-open world with quest structure. Tons of weapons and modifications. Pretty long storyline also. The 'humor' is at sometimes ill-placed, but it is mostly OK.

I have been playing it a lot lately and am finding it one of the best games I have played in recent times....
Far Cry may probably be the prettyest fps on offer but probably the most generic, yes for its time it was a graphical benchmark but it just didnt seem to offer anything entertaining.

Having played pretty much all the fps games on gog bar painkiller(on my wishlist :D) I'll breakdown two choices id recommend. Im assuming you would have already played duke nukem 3d so i'll skip that and pick 2 games based on the same engine

For the more dark and sinister approach I would pick blood, was a great game in its time, caleb has a lot of whitty one liners and the originality of the weapons is what keeps it entertaining throughout, wether it be killing with the voodoo doll or setting somebody on fire with the spraycan and lighter combo. The levels range from gloomy churchs to the carnival in one level so its frequently different.

Though for a more light hearted approach I would have to pick Redneck Rampage, IMO probably the must amusing game of its time, nothing beats trying to shoot hillbillys whilst in drunk mode using a good ol six shooter, Complete with option of country music bgm and funny one liners from the main character thoughout, add the cuss pack and its very authentic. Tons of levels including old farms the cinema, bowling alley and trailer park and many different enemys make the game throughly worth the $6 out of about 100+ fps games ive played its definately one of the ones ive had the most fun playing.

shogo and rise of the triad are both very good as well.

Out of gog id say the condemned series both are a unique and very entertaining experience, nothing beats the bone crunching melee combat thats on offer, I just wish rpg games had the same
Post edited February 19, 2011 by ViolatorX
Thank you all very much for your advice!
FarCry's good, but Id reccomend UT 2004. Its fast paced, fluid and very cathartic if youre feeling a bit off. Just grab a flak cannon and chew through opponents until you feel better about the world in general
Hmm. I don't think I'll be getting Redneck Rampage, but I have to say, it's certainly the most amusing GOG catalog entry I've seen yet, someone actually had fun writing that.
I played Far Cry at a friends house and it seemed completely unfair in difficulty.

The best introduction to FPS for you would be Painkiller. It isn't too difficult (on normal) and is a great way to let off steam.

If you want to go and play some of the older FPS check out Blood and Duke Nukem 3D. Both have the same engine so it is a toss up which you would like better. Blood (my favorite of the two) is a western setting with a bunch of horror references and is completely over the top. Duke Nukem is a sort of dystopian setting with Duke who loves his profanity.
If you don't care about story and such, and just want to shoot at stuff that moves, I suggest Unreal Tournament GOTY.
I bought Far Cry and started it downloading - thanks folks. And I'm adding UT2K4 to my wishlist, it looks incredible :o
Duke Nukem 3D is definitely a fun one. The graphics are admittedly dated. But you know, it's hella fun.
Painkiller is fast and dumb. The graphics are still pretty good, me thinks. A good game to blow off some steam.
I'm actually playing FarCry right now and I have to say I dig it. Although it's highly uneven. The whole business with monsters/mutants is completely unnecessary in my opinion. On the other hand, the jungle setting and the sandbox gameplay is cool. This game requires stealth and careful observations above all. A complete opposite from Painkiller.