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Everyone has games they missed the boat on and I'd like to hear about them. By that I mean games that 99% of the people on this planet adore and yet despite countless tries you CAN'T STAND!!! This is a thread for those folks who feel so alone when a game takes off and yet you can't imagine playing it even if you had a gun to your head.

U.F.O. (well X-Com period) and Dark Reign to start, which is odd because I love both genres, and that is key to this thread. If you hate an entire genre of course you aren't going to like the games in it, so we can leave those alone.
Post edited February 12, 2013 by tinyE
Probably Call of duties. Would play them if I got them with like 5 euros. Also every MMORPG ever made. =)
You can throw X-Com (new one) on the list for me. Love the original, have mixed feelings on the second and third, but just could not get myself to like the new one.

Most FPS's, new and old. I can't imagine playing anything first person without mouse look, and I'm not into multiplayer shooters getting fragged from across the map with a grenade someone spam-threw at a spawn point. Unreal Tournament is an exception.

FTL's another one. I don't find it bad but it's just kind of there for me. It's a Roguelikething with heavy emphasis on pure randomness. I don't really care for that a huge amount. I get why people do like it though.
I missed all the Bioware games and their alien-gay-straight sex cutscenes, tee hee hee. Someday I'm going to play through all Mass Effects, but what do we say to DLCs? - Not today! I can wait 10 years for a complete anthology, no biggie.
aivadroid: I missed all the Bioware games and their alien-gay-straight sex cutscenes, tee hee hee. Someday I'm going to play through all Mass Effects, but what do we say to DLCs? - Not today! I can wait 10 years for a complete anthology, no biggie.
All mass effects are fine games but dlc's are pretty much wasted money. Mostly just hour of some average shooting.
There is at least on thread of this kind. "Games you hate but most people love" or something like that.

edit: here, search worked flawlessly for this one.
Post edited February 12, 2013 by etna87
Can't stand Myst, SuperMeatBoy and Tomb Raider, which are immensely popular, but I think that is because they are lame and I am better than people.

Can't get Alpha Centaury or Creatures (or the long term taste of Kerbal and King of Dragon Pass), but I think that is because they are great and people are better than me.

The rest are cases where (like politics or religion) I've got the impression that my opinion is a tiny oppressed minority's, and the people who have the opposite opinion have the impression that it's theirs that is a tiny oppressed minority's. You know, popular games like Alpha Protocol, Farenheit, etc. Where half of the population is all "I hate it i don't understand why EVERYONE loves it" and half is "I love it and I don't understand why EVERYONE hates it". See also : blockbuster movies, best-sellers, indies, etc...
Telika: I am better than people.
Sound regular gogger to me. =)
Secret of Mana never worked for me, also Halo.
I came to offer some words of encouragement, thinking this thread would be about the perennial virginity of the OP, but I see he is not ready yet to open his heart to us just yet.
Andanzas: I came to offer some words of encouragement, thinking this thread would be about the perennial virginity of the OP, but I see he is not ready yet to open his heart to us just yet.
I am an open book my friend!
I don't know where to begin...

As a PC gamer, I never cared for Halo. It was a game chalked full of stuff I had seen before. Nothing innovative. Nothing really fun... but to everyone else it was the birth of the FPS :/ (I'm not interested in "catching" this boat... but apparently I missed it anyway)

Most war games. Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, etc. I can blast zombies and terrorists all day long in Half Life or Soldier of Fortune... but the staple multiplayer games are extremely "MEH" to me. Most likely because I don't care for multiplayer. I want multiplayer games for multiplayer, like Unreal Tournament. When I want a campaign, I go for single player FPS games, and the campaigns in the tripe A FPS games are typically dumbed down due to the multiplayer elements. Just like UT said, we are about multiplayer. We don't really care about single player... I wish some single player FPS games would take the same consideration. There are a few, but it seems the big budget war games can't avoid tacking on a bland solo campaign.

Half Life 2. I followed this game from first announcement and drooled at the potential. The tech demos showcased the environment reacting to my weaponry, Propping a desk in front of a door, luring mobs into fans, knocking rows of barrels onto enemies... I saw one level in the game that this catered to. The rest of the game was a pretty straight forward, (been there, done that) shooter. The one level (which was their showcase demo level) so I had seen it before purchasing, gets about a 95 from me. The rest of the game gets about a 60.

Turn based strategy... I hate it. absolutely hate it. The whole genre. Its the only game type I can't stand. I can play something from any genre or gametype out there... but not turn based.

Steam. Lets forget about DRM. The "selling point" of steam seems to be social tools and trophies. I don't want either of those in my games. Auto patching is bad. always online is bad. Being seen when I want to "get away" is bad. Take Steam's feature list and go bullet by bullet... its pretty much the opposite of everything I'm looking for in a utility. I want the opposite of Steam. Give me a tool called Maets and have it remove adds, block my activity from leaving my PC, locking down games so they don't change unless I do it manually, restrict access to the internet... that is more up my ally.

That should get me started... I've missed a lot of boats ;)
Well, even though everybody seems to love Daikatana, I just can't get into it. I know, I just don't get it, etc. I was this way with Vietcong and Vietcong 2 also. I thought it was pretty clear they both sucked ass but again, I apparently was wrong.

I can live with being wrong sometimes. No biggie. But I ain't changing my mind either! ;-)
Post edited February 12, 2013 by dirtyharry50
dirtyharry50: Well, even though everybody seems to love Daikatana, I just can't get into it. I know, I just don't get it, etc. I was this way with Vietcong and Vietcong 2 also. I thought it was pretty clear they both sucked ass but again, I apparently was wrong.

I can live with being wrong sometimes. No biggie. :D
Someone likes Dailatana? Even the people I've met who say they love it tell me it sucks.
hucklebarry: Steam. Lets forget about DRM. The "selling point" of steam seems to be social tools and trophies. I don't want either of those in my games. Auto patching is bad. always online is bad. Being seen when I want to "get away" is bad. Take Steam's feature list and go bullet by bullet... its pretty much the opposite of everything I'm looking for in a utility. I want the opposite of Steam. Give me a tool called Maets and have it remove adds, block my activity from leaving my PC, locking down games so they don't change unless I do it manually, restrict access to the internet... that is more up my ally.
^This! Very much so. I really don't understand why Steam is so successful and I really hate how much this DRM platform dominates the market. Hell, even a lot of so-called 'Indies' are only available via a Steam account. That means they depend on the largest online platform - which is by definition the complete opposite of 'Independent'!

Concerning games: Myst. Never understood it's popularity. For me it was always just an incredibly boring slide show of pre-rendered pictures.