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I'm in for Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus
Cool! I'd love Giants Citizen Kabuto.

Fabulous thread!
Thank you, I'll enter for Fallout Tactics.
I'm in for Shogo, thanks!
Ah yes I know i'm amazing. :D

I'd like to enter for Sacrifice, but don't tell Licurg I aint got it yet. :)
entering for freespace +expansion

Thank you for the give away!
Entering for Freespace 2

+1 for you either way, though I'm not sure how fabulous I am. Fantastic, yes, fabulous, not sure... :)
Ooh, thanks for doing this giveaway. +1 to you.
I'd like to enter for a chance to win Kingpin: Life of Crime.
Entering for Fallout 2.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I'll roll for Freespace 2.

Thanks for the giveaway!
I'll enter for Fallout Tactics.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow, so many entries in such a short time.

We have 76 entries so far. To make things a bit more interesting (and easier for me to handle, ofc :D), the giveaway will end in approx. 24h after my initial post or as soon as it hits approx. 120 entries (totally not random number). Whichever happens first.

Stay fabulous.
<looks sheepishly at own's lone star and sighs relieved>

[i]So many great games, some of which are not in my shelf
And thou arth aware of thy shortcomings towards my Self
and as a sort of compensation, Lady Luck, I ask thee:
would thou be so kind as to grace me with Descent Three?[/i]

(ok it was awful, but what did you expect? I was feeling poetic today and english is not even my first language.
I promise not to try that again.)

Edit: e obrigado Retsuseiba!
Post edited November 13, 2012 by jpolastre
Obrigado pelo gesto! I'm in for Lionheart!
I'll enter for Duke Nukem 3d.
