HereForTheBeer: Or you're smarter than the rest of us, not getting caught in the trap. If you can live life without them, so much the better.
Coelocanth: I disagree. Well. if you can live life without them, I guess yes, so much the better. But there's no real downside to credit cards
unless you can't discipline yourself to not overspend. If you pay them off every month, they can be a great thing.
I tend to use mine as a debit card. As soon as I get home, I pay it off on-line. I haven't paid a cent of interest in almost a decade.
Well, sure. And I use them all the time for work as it makes travel much easier, and I also like my vendors to be paid right away instead of waiting NET30. Not having the discipline is the problem. If someone has it, great. If not, it might lead to big problems.
We're now in the same boat as you, paying it off before interest accrues. It wasn't always that way, though, and I'm glad I woke up, paid the crap off, and now go month-to-month. One less thing to worry about.