gooberking: As a side note Justice is not in anyway the same thing as revenge. Justice is about using just enough force to negate an agent of selfishness that acts against the well being of the community in order to reestablish harmony. Revenge is a selfish act seeking to apply maximum force to obliterate something that has personally irked you. It nothing to do with balance or community, and can even be something that causes cultural disharmony. In the end revenge is a rotten thing that pretends it's justice so people can feel good about doing something indecent.
I didn't use the right word then, I meant justice. Since we are all subjective, there's often little difference between the two, though. But since the punishment is administered by the admin, it would likely be considered as justice from your POV.
gooberking: There are justice people, and then there are mercy people.
Mercy requires more patience than justice. And by the looks of it the OP doesn't have enough for either.