Theta_Sigma: I dibs'd the universe therefore, anything you do or say is automatically superseded. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Sorry but that's how it works. No matter how much you argue it, dibs cannot be erased. I have not been defeated, saying dibs is erased does not make it goes erased. That is like saying the colour blue doesn't exist anymore, still exists despite you saying it doesn't. This conversation is over, at this point it's just a man yelling at a mountain to move to the left. Psst I'm the mountain in that analogy btw. Good try get a single solitary chocolate chip cookie. Thank you and good night...
langurmonkey: If you say dibs can not be erased then that means dibs has no power in this universe. Therefore, the milky way galaxy and the cookie galaxy is not yours... If dibs has power in this universe, dibs can be erased so no matter what, you do not own the milky way galaxy and the cookie galaxy. If you continue, you will be like a hamster trying to move a mountain. And not just a normal hamster but a space hamster.
That doesn't work, not everything in the universe is deletable/erasable. It cannot be created, OR destroyed, it just is. I called dibs, therefore I am simply accessing a fundamental law of the universe, much like gravity. Therefore, you are mistaken. Also, space hamsters have near godlike abilities, so thanks for the compliment. In conclusion. I might as well give up because this is just going to go on and on, and I'm known universally for epic stubbornness. Done, and done. Also, I erase your claim to be able to erase dibs, removing it from the command list of the Universal OS. ^_^ Also, dibs on it not being recoverable and dibs on THAT being unerasable.
P1na: I just need a little place a computer I can leave downloading full time and storage space for random crap. I spend the rest of my time traveling anyway.
Elmofongo: ...
No more nations and borders all of humanity is free from that constraint of nationality and will be free to live anywhere in the world,
P1na: While I agree with most of what you said, I can't let go of the "no more nations and borders" part. It's actually one of my personal nightmares. While not an absolute requirement, I consider national borders an important part of cultural ones, and without cultural borders things would be really boring for me. No point in traveling on an homogeneus world.
I feel like traveling to Hawaii, mmm coconut drinks and hoolah girls.