Not in. I can't say which game had the biggest impact on me, though it would probably be Ballerium (a failed MMORTS), because I worked on it. But here are some games which were memorable:
Home Pong: Introduced the idea that you could hook up a device to your TV and have fun playing on it.
Those digital calculator watches with the number game: Introduced me to mobile gaming. Spent tons of time playing that game instead of listening at school.
Sentinel on the C64: A real 3D game, not using wireless graphics, and where the 3D really mattered.
Nine Princes in Amber: Zelazny's Amber adventure game, with graphics, sound and some animations, what could be better?
Tomb Raider: Introduced me to the value of bilinear filtering.
Quake: Showed me that SGI machines could be used for gaming, and that they can make games look good.
Terminator: Future Shock: Introduced mouse look. The moment I experienced it I knew I couldn't go back to an inferior control scheme.
Wii Sports: The alternate control method of the Wii was a great revelation regarding where gaming can go.
Broken Age (Double Fine Adventure): While not out yet, if there was one game which had a real impact on me in recent years it's this game. It introduced me to Kickstarter, which in turn got me to dabble a little in creating games (though I stopped that for now, due to lack of free time).
That's just a subset of the games. I have to say that a game being memorable or having an impact doesn't mean I thought it was great, let alone that I finished it. I didn't like Quake that much, and though I liked the others, I never finished Tomb Raider, played only a little Terminator, and from this list only finished Nine Princes in Amber. Granted many of these games can't be finished, and I did play them quite a bit. Sentinal for example had 10,000 levels, and I got past level 5,000 (it skipped levels based on how finished each level, but it still means I played hundreds of levels).