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Maybe if you all weren't so lazy and started contributing more multiple orgasms, they wouldn't be so angry.

Crap. I just set off my sex offender ankle bracelet.

GOG Personals______________________

Pale, pudgy, hairy man looking for woman out of my league. Preferably hot asian lesbian twins. I like to party like a rockstar and enjoy "surprise" sex. If you aren't surprised then at least pretend. If you're interested, PM me and I will make you feel like a real victi... *cough* woman.
Post edited May 25, 2011 by Tulivu
Demut: I thought that point had a strictly sexual connotation.
Adzeth: Come to think of it, that's probably what she meant but failed to express (to me anyway, or maybe I failed to understand). If that doesn't count, then #12. That list is rigged, I tell you!
I don't think any women can get passed 12 either tbh
ovoon: I lol'd. But then I realized... it wasn't a humorous article, and it was by a feminist. :|
Aliasalpha: Yeah that was the saddest thing, it was amusing in an ironic way until I read her first comment, I've seen some bloody impressive Poe's in my time but I don't think anyone could Poe this well
My thoughts exactly. I thought it was hilarious, I was laughing. Then she's serious. Made me sad for her in her crazy, crazy world.
The page you get to from that link is a poorly hidden pretext to simply attack men's sexuality, and through it, men in general and the whole notion of heterosexual sex. The words themselves might as well be random.

I wish I hadn't seen similar things so many times in the past.

I think this kind of sexism is a lot like racism. A lot of younger people are past those old racist ideas, but they are so firmly embedded among people of a certain age that really there's nothing to do but wait for them to die out. They are incapable of change; hatred has bored too deep into them and become too much a part of their self-definition. It is inseparable from them and there is effectively no learning to be done. Morally, they're "finished" in both senses of the word.

Same with this kind of hateful sexism that lets people define themselves by demonizing others.

But if it wasn't sexism, it would be racism, or class-ism, or looks-ism, or wealth-ism, or religion-ism, or ethnicism, or language-ism ... it really doesn't matter and it all makes as much sense. Hatred and turning people into a wretched, hateful "other" is a very satisfying way of making sense of the world for many people, playing into deep-running instincts already inside all of us. Hate is one of the easiest ways of making sense of yourself and the world, and feeling better and smarter than other people. Too bad it's one of the worst and least changeable.

I'm happy for the people who will one day hear things like this sort of hatefulness with astonishment and wonder how anyone could possibly have thought like that. Sure, another hatred will probably find a way to make itself popular and sound halfway legitimate and sensible. But let's hope we outgrow this one soon. Like racism, unfortunately, we will probably have to just die out of it over nearly a century for it to stop stoking our fears and poisoning us.
I find it funny how the list doesn't say you are a rape-supporter if you've ever raped someone.
Phosphenes: I find it funny how the list doesn't say you are a rape-supporter if you've ever raped someone.
I find it funny that I could possibly be a rape supporter just by being male, never mind that I have never raped anyone. This shit is worse than the biblical Original Sin.
You said "Rape" twice...
Don't you guys just love rape?
Hmm...Seems like every hetero male is a rape supporter.
Phosphenes: I find it funny how the list doesn't say you are a rape-supporter if you've ever raped someone.
All this fuss and I find out that I'm already clear.
I think none of these examples fit me. o.o
Salsa_Shark: So would it not be better if rape were seen as something trivial? If it's going to stay with you forever and is going to be brought up over and over again wouldn't it be better if it were just considered a nuisance and not the grave crime it is now? That's just my opinion. i may be wrong but i can't help but think that if rape was something trivial everyone would be better off, victims and rapists(not that this matters and i feel a little bad for saying it).
Smannesman: So everybody should get raped multiple times so it is no longer 'special'?
Sounds like an interesting experiment.
Getting demeaned and violated isn't that unique to the human experience. Plenty of rape victims don't end up permanently screwed up in the head and lead fulfilling lives, often in part due to good mental health treatment after the event, as well as a supportive social structure (i.e. friends and family).

Saying getting murdered would be better seems pretty out of the pale to me.
Rohan15: Hmm...Seems like every hetero male is a rape supporter.
Read more carefully. Gay males are rape supporters too!

Absurd, hyperbolic, sensationalist, simplistic and ludicrous blog post. The sad thing is that given that I consider myself a male-feminist there are a lot of things buried in her comments that make sense. The problem is, it's totally engulfed by so much hateful bullshit.
I find a lot of the joking in this thread to be distasteful as hell.

That said, I also find that blog post asinine, and an attempt to conflate "misogynist" with "rape supporter" purely for shock value. It devalues and demeans an extremely serious subject in an attempt to make a political point, and it only winds up distracting from both the seriousness of rape and the realities of misogyny.
Post edited May 25, 2011 by sethsez
Rohan15: Hmm...Seems like every hetero male is a rape supporter.
Nafe: Read more carefully. Gay males are rape supporters too!

Absurd, hyperbolic, sensationalist, simplistic and ludicrous blog post. The sad thing is that given that I consider myself a male-feminist there are a lot of things buried in her comments that make sense. The problem is, it's totally engulfed by so much hateful bullshit.
No there's really not, she's an intolerant person couching her bigotry by cloaking it in a cause she believes most see as just.

Off topic: we don't need more feminism, we had a feminist revolution and it largely worked, it's time we had a masculine revolution so we can actually put some value back onto males and respect their rights/lives. There's a famous male who was a big-time feminist author back in the day who's been calling for it for a decade or more now. He has some interesting stuff to say about how men are portrayed as valueless, especially poor men.
sethsez: I find a lot of the joking in this thread to be distasteful as hell.

That said, I also find that blog post asinine, and an attempt to conflate "misogynist" with "rape supporter" purely for shock value. It devalues and demeans an extremely serious subject in an attempt to make a political point, and it only winds up distracting from both the seriousness of rape and the realities of misogyny.
Most of the stuff in that blog post wouldn't even be considered misogyny by an rational definition.
Post edited May 25, 2011 by orcishgamer