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Thanks for the giveaway, Lou! This game looks fantastic; count me in! :D

My favorite thing about is obviously Christmas break. After a gauntlet of tests next week, and then another gauntlet of finals the week after that, I'll be appreciating a lil' RnR with my family :3
Ah, Lou, you never fail to provide us with quality GA's. Anvil of Dawn has to be one of the greatest classic RPG's ever and you can count me in for a chance to own it again! +1 as always and Happy Holidays/Hanukkah/WE!
Having been away for so long, for so often, the winter reminds me that my time at school will end, and that I'll be able to visit my family once again to enjoy their company for the holidays.

Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm in, thank you very much and, of course, +1!

Winter is like my favorite season. Love the cold, the snowfall, the surreal view.
Already have the game, so I'm not in!

I do like snow, but I'd like it even more if it weren't so cold :P
Count me in please. I love watching the snow fall while playing my latest GOG or reading a book.
Thanks for another awesome week-away, grandpa Lou!

Anvil has been on my radar since it popped on GOG, quite impressive given how I'd never heard of it before that. Still, I'll take another pass for this week, keep the game in reserve, so to say ;)

As to winter, I used to love skiing, but for many years now I've not had a good opportunity to do so. So these days I mostly grump and resent it :(
Post edited December 08, 2013 by Spinorial
It's really hot and almost summer here... so I'm not in (:P), but thanks for another weekly giveaway, Mr. Lou! ^_^

Thanks again. I'm in.

I'm not really the outdoorsy type so I would say the best part is staying in and maybe having some hot chocolate.
Thank you Lou!

Please, count me in for <span class="bold">triock</span>.

Christmas time is surely appealing but I like winter mostly because, without it, you could not appreciate summer enough.
I'm in for Anvil of Dawn, thanks Lou!

My favorite thing about winter has always been not dealing with bugs, ants, mosquitoes, etc.
+1 Not in. Thanks for the ga.
So in! :-)

What I like about winter: it's easier to get warm than to get cold!
Building game inspired snowmen. It usually involves failing miserably and ending up with crudely shaped monstrosities, but, well, it's fun.

I'm in, thanks for the giveaway.
We have our winners for the week and they are:

oasis789 and thme

Please congratulate them and I thank you all for participating. See you again this weekend.