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Wow - No Entries in 2 Days - Where are all you people?
It seems like a lot of giveaways got less audience recently. Probably there are less people frequenting GOG main forum or interest died down after that GOG long time users giveaway.

I don't even see Homer anymore, only Xyem and you gave giveaways frequently. Even my GA doesn't catch a lot of takers.
I'm in, thanks for the giveaway.

I've not played any of the elder scrolls games, but they've always seemed interesting. Closet I've come to any Bethesda game is Fallout New Vegas which was done by Obsidian. I've come close many times to buying Oblivion and Skyrim, but I always end up passing. This is usually due to a concern the world lacks reaction to the players deeds. As for the Online version, I'm not interested - MMOs just don't appeal to me.
I am ABSOLUTELY in, thanks for the giveaway!

As far as Bethesda games go, Fallout 3 was by far their absolute worst. Bland DLC, boring lore, too much grey, etc etc etc. Really, really boring.
Post edited October 13, 2013 by ggf162
Count me in.
Thanks for giveaway.
Elder BUMP.
Not in but a big thanks to Lou!
i'm in, thank you for the give away.
oh man elder scrolls, i picked up the very first morrowind with blood moon and tribunal bundled together when i was about 14, i spent so much time trying to get it to run but my computer just wasnt up to scratch at the time. Going back to the game i feel like it has so many great qualities still even with its off kilter combat. It was the first game to give me such a wonderful place to explore, there was so little hand holding, someone would just say go north till you find some rocks you cant miss it. If you didn't pay attention you could be stuck forever. When Oblivion came out that cinched it for me, i became an elderfan fer life. I loved skyrim's mechanics but didnt enjoy the character you were personally compared to oblivion, and im not the most excited for the newest development in the series but i've been wrong before, every installment has had me sitting at the edge of my seat exploring, fighting, and eating up every character level by the end of it.
Lou: Wow - No Entries in 2 Days - Where are all you people?
Sometimes GAs are slow it seems. Try running a high rep GA, and poof, the first 2-3 hours it might happen that no-one enters.
Post edited October 14, 2013 by blotunga
I'm in, thank you!

As for Beth games, I played a bit of Arena back then but didn't think much of it at the time. Daggerfall was probably the first game to make me rage quit though, haha. It was / is so buggy... I played Morrowind a lot and really liked it (the world was fantastic, some of the quests were really clever, you couldn't achieve everything in a single playthrough and the lore was really interesting) but I haven't touched the expansions at all, heard some good things about them. I tried Oblivion when it came out but really disliked the leveling system (bandits getting glass armor and unless you were leveling in a specific way, with every level you actually got weaker). Haven't played Shivering Isles but at least on paper it looks very interesting (the giant mushrooms I saw on screenshots reminded me of Morrowind). Skyrim I haven't played but it looks pretty good and I'm sure any potential shortcomings probably can be fixed by the modding community.

Lastly, I signed for TES Online beta and at first it looked promising (it probably still is), but having microtransactions confirmed has made me lose some of my initial enthusiasm.
high rated
We have our winner - dragonsreach

In case he suffers another Heart Attack and is unable to claim the Prize we will have another giveaway ;-)

Anyway congratz and to all who participated a big Thanks - See you all on Friday.
Post edited October 15, 2013 by Lou
Grats to the dragon guy, enjoy killing off your own kind in Skyrim haha.
Thanks as always to Lou too!
Congrats dragonsreach and thanks again for hosting the GA Lou!

Also I'm assuming the anthology does not in fact included Redguard and Battlespire, since you indicated you wanted to have Bethesda release those in the way they have Arena and Daggerfall, correct?

Still hoping to pick those up someday...

Edit: for followup question from prior post
Post edited October 15, 2013 by BlueKronos
BlueKronos: Congrats dragonsreach and thanks again for hosting the GA Lou!