i'm in, thank you for the give away.
oh man elder scrolls, i picked up the very first morrowind with blood moon and tribunal bundled together when i was about 14, i spent so much time trying to get it to run but my computer just wasnt up to scratch at the time. Going back to the game i feel like it has so many great qualities still even with its off kilter combat. It was the first game to give me such a wonderful place to explore, there was so little hand holding, someone would just say go north till you find some rocks you cant miss it. If you didn't pay attention you could be stuck forever. When Oblivion came out that cinched it for me, i became an elderfan fer life. I loved skyrim's mechanics but didnt enjoy the character you were personally compared to oblivion, and im not the most excited for the newest development in the series but i've been wrong before, every installment has had me sitting at the edge of my seat exploring, fighting, and eating up every character level by the end of it.