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im in for quest of glory. It looks like a game that may be able to hold my attention. I also like other games of a similer style
Please count me in for Phantasmagoria, because in to play another adventure game about a haunted mansion.

Thanks Lou.
entering for Swat 3. I had this game on CD years ago, but it disappeared with time :(
I'm in for Zeus. I like this type of games and played Pharaoh a bit in the past, so I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

In for Vampire the Masquerade. Played the tabletop, heard a lot about the video game. Curious, and hungry for playtime!
Post edited June 02, 2013 by MorphysLaw
I'm in for the Betrayal At Krondor Pack.
I played just a tiny little smidgen of it as a kid, before everybody told me it was one of the greatest RPGs ever, apparently. Now, I need to verify this.
I'm interested in Space Quest 1+2+3, because what better place to start that crazy series than at the beginning?

(I've played through most of the KQ games and SQ4 and really them.)

Definitely another vote for momo's Phantasmagoria! Definitely another thank you and +1, Lou :-)
I'm in for System Shock 2 as I have been dying to play that game for years and never found the change under the couch needed to buy it since it came out :)
I'm in for the Betrayal At Krondor Pack.

Thank you Lou +1 for your continued generosity.
Licurg: In for Betrayal at Krondor Pack , because it's just awesome. has selected the winner and Code has been sent - See you all next week
Licurg: In for Betrayal at Krondor Pack , because it's just awesome.
Lou: has selected the winner and Code has been sent - See you all next week
Congrats :D - and thank you once again Lou
Congrats Lou!
Post edited June 02, 2013 by ToasterBox
Thanks, Lou! :-)

I'd like to be in for the Quest for Glory 1-5 pack. Because, darn it, these games have eluded me for the past two decades! I've been interested in playing these since I was a teenager.
Licurg: In for Betrayal at Krondor Pack , because it's just awesome.
Lou: has selected the winner and Code has been sent - See you all next week
Thanks again, Lou! Congrats Licurg!