Momo1991: Ian, first of all, Happy One Year GOG Anniversary! One would think you'd been here from the start simply because you so embody the spirit of this forum - kind, generous, helpful and supportive of those members in whatever trouble they find themselves in - spiritual, financial or whatever need. So thank you for that.
Second of all, thank you for your generosity of spirit - the ninja thread would not be the place it is without you.
And lastly, thank you for just being you.
Momo said before I had a chance to speak for myself (and better :D), so I'll just say: whole-heartedly agreed! :)
On a second thought, I'd like to add this: thanks for all the smiles you've spreaded this past year all over the forum and a warm Yada! for you and Kristy. :)
Happy GOG Anniversary and I wish you many happy ones here. ;)
Please, count me in for
Warning_original. ;)