Kunovski: I really don't know whether I should laugh or cry right now...
KyleKatarn: ...
I live in a part of the U.S. where most everyone owns several guns. I don't fear any of my neighbors though. In fact, they would help me from an aggressor if I needed it. Crime rates are low. I am confident to say that mutual aid is stronger or as strong as anywhere in the U.S. here. It's done without any kind of positive law that tries to force them to.
maybe that's it... in the modern world, almost every "main" nation has a nuclear missile... so all these countries are super careful not to threaten the others with it, as they know EVERYBODY IMPORTANT has one
but this is not the right way. first, the ones that don't own one (either a missile, or a gun in such cases) are fucked... second, do you really want every country (and every person) to own a weapon able to end anybody's life in a flash?
and one more thing - does everyone think that pointing a gun at someone means 100% intent to kill? how many robbers do want to rob people and kill them too? it's just a tool to cause fear, and I think it works very well, no doubt about that... but I really don't think that a person who wants to steal something from you and points a gun at you wants to kill you too. why would he do that? you're scared (or you should be scared), he takes your stuff and leaves.
it's pretty much like the nuclear weapons - if one nation has it (which by itself means they're willing to use it), should the other ones nuke them immediately, just to be sure?
sorry, but I'll never be able to understand your way of thinking...