hercufles: Since people tell here how many gog games they have I opened a topic how many you have finished.
http://www.gog.com/en/forum/general/how_many_gog_games_have_you_finish GameRager: I wonder what counts for "finished" officially in people's eyes?
For RPGs/etc: Completing a game once with one character/set of dialog choices or finishing all/most of the included/official/dev created characters/dialog choices?
And completing a game
period (even if one misses some of the side quests and secrets), or finding and doing everything?
For shooters: Completing the main game, or completing the main game and any expansions(official ones I mean)? Also (as with RPGs)....completing the game at all, or only once all secrets are found?
Your right about that but with rpg thats kind of hard because there are even games that have multiple endings but i just mean if you play it trough the end credits.