timppu: I can't continue the discussion with him, because he never replied back to me in this thread.
Your fucking delusional.
It's hardly been 14 hours since I posted. Some people have things to do, like sleeping.
oldschool: I actually laughed several times, and yes, i am a liberal. This video shows how fucked up our political system really is. If you're too far to the left or the right, you might have the tendacy to wrong most of the time. Thanks for posting this.
Thanks for being a good sport.
SirPrimalform: "But don't you know, sharia law is being implemented in many European countries with large populations?" - Whuh?
http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/sharia-europe.html Most rapists are men. I am a man, I'm not one of those feminist nut-jobs and I hate those kinds of people but this is fact. Rape is physical, where as women would seduce. There are very few women capable of physically raping a man.
Likewise, most terrorists are muslims. Got no argument there.
For the idiots tha keep defending muslims, and implementation of Shariah law: