Actually, he's right, it is currently broken. I just tried to change my e-mail and after unlocking the form, it re-locks itself as soon as you click on any of the empty fields. Additionally, you can't even use the unlock link again unless you refresh the page, but even that doesn't work, since you end up with the original problem. I've already sent a report to the website support guys. You might want to do the same.
BTW - mojoman69, no need to be making snarky comments comparing GOG to Steam or Impulse. Unlike either of those services, when you have a problem, GOG will actually fix it, as long as they have been notified about it. Besides, GOG is still a beta service, problems are to be expected.
Minor follow-up, I just tried this with IE and the password/e-mail change worked exactly as they were supposed to. I only encounter the issue when using Firefox.
Post edited March 10, 2009 by cogadh