Posted December 02, 2011
Right now Ive got some thoughts that GoG stuff is now in wintersleep mode.
When everybody had autumn/thanksgiving/black friday sales, gog had only an regular sale. I considered it strange, but acceptable.
But now, all major distributors (gamersgate, origin, steam) started their winter sales / advent calendars. Gog has nothing once again. Well, I still hope you guys will launch something huge later today, but I think you'd already let us know.
And what are your ninjas doing? You didn't know that competition has huge plans to launch another sale just after autumn sale finished? Or you knew, but did nothing?
As for distr. that claims it wants to be "biggest alternative to steam" you're doing pretty damn nothing to achieve that goal.
When you wake from your wintersleep, gog, most people's wallets may be already empty.
Does anyone from gog community has similar thoughts to me?
When everybody had autumn/thanksgiving/black friday sales, gog had only an regular sale. I considered it strange, but acceptable.
But now, all major distributors (gamersgate, origin, steam) started their winter sales / advent calendars. Gog has nothing once again. Well, I still hope you guys will launch something huge later today, but I think you'd already let us know.
And what are your ninjas doing? You didn't know that competition has huge plans to launch another sale just after autumn sale finished? Or you knew, but did nothing?
As for distr. that claims it wants to be "biggest alternative to steam" you're doing pretty damn nothing to achieve that goal.
When you wake from your wintersleep, gog, most people's wallets may be already empty.
Does anyone from gog community has similar thoughts to me?