tinyE: The point was, is it possible that the life of Steve Jobs might not be the most interesting thing to make a movie about? I'm not insinuating that a movie needs monsters and explosions to be good but it's not like this guy was T.E. Lawrence or something. Could the movie actually suffer from the fact that for better or worse, it's kind of a dull subject?
No, I think it could have been made into an interesting movie. I haven't seen it, mind you, but the reviews I've read of it make it look like it's pretty disappointing (and I really don't like Ashton Kutcher either). But I read the book, []iJobs[/i], and thought it was a damned good read. Think what you want about Jobs, love him or hate him, but the man's life was actually interesting. And whether you hate him or not (I'm kind of neutral about him and I'm no fan of Apple), he had a tremendous impact on the world and our use of technology today. A well-done movie would be damned interesting, IMO.