sibberke: Sitting at the only table in his room, Dorev thins about which bombs to make. He liked the process of making them. Thinking about new bombs, perfecting older ones... And the pleasure of imagining how it could kill his enemies. One of Dorevs favourites is a bomb with some sort of bomb inside it. The first layer is just water, but underneath there's a magical device that sends of electric shocks. Dorev learned how to make it on his travels, and tried to always have one of those ready. Based on the same principle, he had made a bomb with a layer of explosive gas and then a layer with fire. This one, however, had to be lit before throwing away, while the other one just worked when breaking.>
But bombs didn't always have to be special: Dorev still has some normal ones. He checks his backpack and counts one flasher, which blinds to opponents and two fraggers, which just make the enemies suffer. In addition to those, he had enough materials and time to make one of each of the more special ones, which would make a total of four bombs for the moment.
Bombs were always pretty.
((Are those bombs fine?))