IAmSinistar: What are you setting aside against the future?
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
The Black Mirror
Black Mirror 2
Dark Fall: The Journal
2x Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
Freedom Force vs. te 3rd Reich
Neighbours From Hell Compilation
Painkiller Black Edition
Spellforce Platinum
Spellforce 2 Shadow Wars
Spellforce 2 Dragon Storm
Spellforce 2 Demons of the Past
The Penumbra Collection
The three Spellforce 2 games are bundleed in one code. I'd hate to give away something "incomplete".
IAmSinistar: I don't know of any organised effort to preserve the pages, but it's a good idea. I believe that JMich grabs the images from GOG (at least he did so during the last sale). So he might be a resource for some of the recovery effort.
I think [url=http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:vGgFI_sA7sgJ:www.gog.com/game/amnesia_the_dark_descent+&cd=1&hl=de&ct=clnk]Google's cache[/url] is the best source ;)