bladeofBG: ^
American politicians needed 9/11/01 in order to create & enforce the Patriot Act, which has effectively killed the Constitution (or rendered it moot; it's your choice of semantics).
Similarly, in order for something like this bill in question to pass, all the major ISP's will have to deliberately sabotage their services in a co-ordinated and pre-planned attack, seriously fucking over a massive number of thier American patrons in rendering all their personal e-business dealings in accessable and under the care of a bogeyman (China perhaps? American politicians love to point the finger at them already in order to shift blame away from themselves and the banks that they're in bed with), and thereafter act like this bill is the blue pill ("and its better than the red pill, okay!") that'll make their internet safer.
Given that the American gov't already has the authority to lie to the public under the guise of 'protecting American interests' long before 9/11/01 (it's been happening since the 40's, when witnesses of the Roswell crash had their civil rights abused & threatened in order to keep them quiet), and that many Americans tend to overlook their government's abuses (re: the CIA using LSD on patients in Montreal in the 80s against their will in mind control experiments), I'd say it's already in the works behind closed doors.
Perhaps it can be stopped though. For the 1st time, we're really living in a time where intelligent and powerful people very much mistrust the American gov't. And other countries aren't scared of American politicians anymore.
Hawk52: The problem is to have any kind of serious change not only do you need to reach the American public at large but you also have to convince them to help with said message. Breaking into the media (not the ebul Internet media) is virtually impossible today. No news channel or broadcast have the guts to stand up for what is right. But assuming you could get the message out there to stand up for your rights...
The American public are idiots. They lack critical thinking and the desire to stand up for themselves. For lack of a better word, the vast majority of our population have become
cattle. Fat, stupid, and unwilling to think for ourselves.
So if the government comes out and says "OMG! THE INTERNETZ WILL HELP CHINA TAKE UR JOBZ!", the media will pick up "WE MUST REGULATE THE INTERNET TO PROTECT UR JOBZ!" and people will hear that and go "WHAT ABOUT
Dramatization, of course.
Of course. Yeah most every American media (and Cdn, to be fully fair) has lost all credibility with me. It's all bullshit. I mean, I still go on to check out what's happening in the world, but I never listen to their opinions or the opininons of the politician's they give air time to. It's much more fullfilling to think for myself, and not digest any lies.
However, I'm convinced that there's alot of people within America's business sector & law enforcement sector, and in Canada's business, political, law enforcement, and military sectors (the latter not indicating of a war, juss intel), that are wise to the games the Obama administration and supporting branches play in their quests for power, subterfuge and dominance, and are working to stop it. I obviously don't have any documented evidence to give you of these things, but the fact that Obama was worried enough that he established his desire for a 2nd term before *ANY* other potential runners declared was enough of an indication to let me know he's not getting his way in things (presidents in office rarely declare their desire for a 2nd term as early as he did).
I also don't believe killing Bin Laden will be a major strong point in his quest for a 2nd term (it'll garner him a good %'age of votes, but not as much as one would expect), especially with oil prices going UP since that killing, when all laws of economics said that oil prices should've went DOWN w/that killing.
Also, the fact that groups such Wikileaks and Anonymous have shown they've the strength and the will to put a dent in the secretive gov't's plans shows that the public have some forces working on their behalf, that previous evil & secretive regimes didn't have to contend with.
We're living in an interesting time, to say the least.