Reever: So you've been to both Germany and Romania before? Which regions, if I may ask? And what do you generally think about the countries? (this always interests me :)).
Haven't seen much of France myself, plan to rectify that!
Yes, I've been to Germany twice before and Romania five times before. I've only been to the Rhein-Ruhr region in Germany and the Transilvanian region in Romania.
I think Germany is a lot like here actually. Of course there are many differences, but still a lot of similarities.
Romania has a lot of potential. It has some great stuff, nice sights, good food, etc., but something seems to hold it down. I don't know whether it's the government there or citizen morale or what.
France was nice. We went to Paris to see some sights, which was cool, and the metro was a surprisingly enjoyable experience. lol All drinks are very expensive there though.