Nice tracks were already mentoned ... like the whole straylight things (raptor, Unreal Tournament, Tyrian)
I second the HELL MARCH from Red Alert, as well as "Radio".
Command and Conquer had also that "Menchanical Man" and "Just do it!" - Frank Klepacki did there some magic, imho. He also did the NOD credits song with his band "I AM" \m/
Crusader No Regret has some fine tunes to.
The HOMM 1-5 have also some realy nice pieces - for sure.
I loved the music from Startopia. I ripped apart some games for the music. In fact I collected 25+ GB of that stuff (but across all platforms - C64, Amiga, Nintendos, Segas, PC, PSX). Lately I do not play that much anymore and my "hunting skills" got a bit out of shape.
*diggs into his archive*
I need to mention these games for the music they have: Age of Empire, Age of Wonders, Ascendancy, Battle Isle 2, Descent, Dune, GTA 1, Knights & Merchants, Leviathan The Tone Rebellion, Lost Eden, McGees Alice, Might & Magic 6-8, Monkey Island ;) , No one lives forever, One must fall 2097, Operation Flashpoint, Pinball Dreams, Re-Volt, Serious Sam, Shatter, Splice, Oblivion, Total Annihilation, Uplink, Warcraft 2, X - Beyond the frontier.