Strijkbout: Maybe if up/downrepping was not anonymous it would be less of a problem.
I've been on fora where they do that and have people add a reason. It's even worse, if people think that rep is bad here, imagine having defamatory comments permanently attached to your account. I stopped going to Fitocracy and subsequently deleted my profile because of the vile lies people were attaching to my profile.
Really, anybody that cares this much about rep isn't going to be missed by me. Most of the time when your taking a hit there's a reason for it. If you're getting down-repped more than up-prepped, usually that's a hint that you're not fitting in very well here.
Strijkbout: Maybe if up/downrepping was not anonymous it would be less of a problem.
tinyE: XD If it wasn't anonymous it would cease to exist in a heartbeat.
Definitely not, just head over to Fitocracy and see what they've got going on. Unless they've finally admitted that they have a real rep problem, I'm guessing that you'll find a lot of trollish comments on people's profile that they can't get rid of.