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Some day in the future, vidogaming industry will be called backlog feeding industry :)
Their are games that I will buy on day one. Their are games I will only buy on GOG if I have the option. A lot of companies make games these days. Many of them seem to believe their titles have the same value as others. That simply is not the case.

And this is why the indie scene is thriving. People want originality and acceptable cost. Not ever game is worth $60. Now if I could have my modern PC games DRM free, maybe I would pay a premium... but only if they receive the same support and same day release.

Steam sales do not send the wrong message, if the market could not bear them they would not exist. And considering that developers have found sales and promotions as a chief income provider, expect only more of them to come.
Post edited June 26, 2013 by C17
amok: Yes, we have been here before. And as we know, we can rest assure that GoG will never compromise their principles just to make money :)

(which I do not blame them for, by the way)
In the interest of fairness, I have to note that "not having deep discounts" never was a GOG principle. It was a marketing tactic that they stated they were using - and they were. GOG's actual compromises (regional pricing for TW2, Planetary Annihilation's persistent world, the recent DLC popcorn fest) are all backed by user opinion.
amok: Yes, we have been here before. And as we know, we can rest assure that GoG will never compromise their principles just to make money :)

(which I do not blame them for, by the way)
Fictionvision: Even with GOG offering more discounts this year than last, posts saying "I'm not buying X here, I can get it cheaper on Steam!" still happen fairly regularly. So even with the changes, they haven't reached that point regularly yet.

Though I don't check what Steam puts up for discounts, so maybe they are closer now than they seem. The only places I check whats on sale regularly is here and Xbox Live.
gog doesn't come close.steam has somewhere between 60 to 90 games on sale every week (varying % between 10 to 75% off). and yes I see those annoying posts about gog prices not being cheap as steam as well lol
Azilut: On the other hand, there are definitely other games that I would buy at full price here if there were no other option, but I don't because I know if I'm patient it'll go on sale.
I think holding out like that on a game you really want is rare. Which is a good thing, since early sales decide a game's success and determine sequel chances, platforms and whatnot.
nijuu: gog doesn't come close.steam has somewhere between 60 to 90 games on sale every week (varying % between 10 to 75% off). and yes I see those annoying posts about gog prices not being cheap as steam as well lol
On the other hand, the lowest "regular" discount I've seen in GOG is 33% off, with 50% off being (seemingly) more common. 10% and 25% off being reserved for the odd preorder.
Instead of buying a handful of games at a higher price that we play alot, now we buy dozens or even hundreds of games that we may rarely or never play at lower price point. And by "we" I of course mean "me" ! :-)

I probably spend more $ in total on games now, but admit to a backlog far outnumbering the played.